Venue: Council Chamber, Argyle Road, Sevenoaks
Contact: Democratic Services 01732227247 Email:
No. | Item |
To agree minutes of the meeting of the Advisory Committee held on 27 June 2024, as a correct record. Minutes: Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting held 27 June 2024 be approved, and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
Declarations of interest Any declarations not already registered. Minutes: There were none.
Actions form previous meeting (if any) Minutes: There were none.
Update from Portfolio Holder Minutes: The Portfolio Holder gave an update on the services within his portfolio. He drew attention to the Work Boost Scheme, which provided funding for trial opportunities for individuals that faced difficulties finding employment. These included those aged 18-24 that were out of work or underemployed, those that had been out-of-work or underemployed for over a year, or for disabled individuals aged 18 or above. The scheme also included workplace training for these individuals, including communication, teamwork, and CV writing. 13 applications had been received, but funding was still available. Business grants of between £2000 and £8000 for the purchase of fixed assets for long term use were also available until 28 February 2025. Five Town Centre Activity Grants, for events that supported town centres, were progressing.
A consultation event was held on 14 September 2024 for the Otford Road Business Park, for local residents and other stakeholders. The feedback supported the regeneration of the site and the sustainability of the design, but expressed concern regarding traffic, litter, and the necessity of the coffee shop for the area. The online consultation for the site ended 6 October 2024.
The Portfolio Holder thanked the children from Edenbridge Primary School and the House Youth Club for producing the mural at Spitalfields Estate.
Referral from Cabinet or the Audit Committee (if any) Minutes: There were none.
Process & Efficiency Task and Finish Group Additional documents: Minutes: The Leader of the Council presented the report, which proposed the formation of a Process and Efficiency Task and Finish Group. The group would examine opportunities for continual development and additional efficiencies in the procurement process, to feed into the upcoming budget process.
Members discussed the membership of the committee. They proposed that the Working Group be formed of Cllrs. Baker, Edwards-Winser, Horwood, Layland, and James Morgan, due to the range of practical public and private sector experience these councillors would bring to the group. The Chairman of the Working Group would be appointed at a later date.
Resolved: That a) a process and efficiency task and finish group be established; b) the membership of the working group be: Cllrs. Baker, Edwards-Winser, Horwood, Layland, and James Morgan; c) the terms of the working group be i) To identify whether any quality structures from ISO9001 can be usefully applied to council operations including, pressures from a recruitment point of view; ii) To identify opportunities to embed further the council’s commitment to continual improvement; and iii) To identify opportunities for greater efficiency in the procurement process and for lower risk to the council.
d) the task and finish group would report back to the Improvement & Innovation Advisory Committee on 26 November 2024.
Economic Development Strategy Update Additional documents:
Minutes: The Economic Development Officer presented the report which provided an annual review of the Economic Development Strategy (EDS). Good progress was made within the first two years of the Economic Development Strategy 2022-27. The strategy remained on track to achieve expected outcomes before the end of the strategy’s period. The progress was highlighted in each of the focus areas. Members’ were advised that the strategy’s delivery was dependent on the availability of external grant funding. The UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) and Rural England Prosperity Fund (REPF) had been most beneficial in ensuring the Economic Development Strategy was delivered. It was also highlighted to Members that the funding was only available until March 2025 and it was unknown if future funding opportunities would be made available.
Members were advised that within the appendix to the report there was an overview of some of the key economic statistics used as a barometer to understand the wider context for delivering the schemes, and for support where needed. A sector skills study was being finalised which would look at the clusters within the economy, how this may change in the future and what skill requirements may be required.
One highlight, as part of the EDS was the business support programme where a focus had been on supporting businesses and in town centres through promotional campaigns on the visitor economy, as well as the funding being used to distribute capital and revenue to Town and Parish Councils and a Town Centre Officer to support businesses. Appendix B detailed the progress to date on a broad range of activities taken place.
Members considered the report. In response to questions, the officer explained that a number of schemes were open to self-employed people, but noted the absence of this demographic from most of the monitoring data. The team were undertaking a Sector Skills Study to better understand patterns of travel to work both into and out of the district. Talks were ongoing to expand the study across the West Kent area to better understand the situation in the wider geographic area. The Council would not be able to sustain the grants and schemes itself beyond March 2025 without additional external funding, and thus would prioritise partnership work to preserve momentum. The officer explained that the performance of the EDS was not outcome-based, but the individual schemes were monitored in this way.
Members discussed opportunities for partnership work with the Sevenoaks Town Partnership. They further discussed the possibility for introducing hard numerical targets regarding outcomes and outputs for the EDS, as they felt it may provide more clarity on performance. They noted that the social value benefits of the EDS were hard to quantify but were a significant value-add for the Strategy. The officers within the team were necessary to receive the funding, and the support offered was a significant value-add for businesses in the district.
Resolved: That the progress of the delivery of the Economic Development Strategy be noted. |
UK Shared Prosperity and Rural England Prosperity Fund Additional documents:
Minutes: The Economic Development Officer presented the report which updated Members on the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) and Rural England Prosperity Fund (REPF) following the approval of the investment plan by Cabinet and Government in 2022. The plan outlined a complex programme of work with more than 15 individual projects which complemented the Economic Development Strategy. Currently it was expected that the projects identified would be delivered as expected.
Members were advised that all the projects were now live, and with the launch of the last priority area - people and skills in April 2024. As part of funds 18 projects were being run. This included nine grant schemes, two feasibility studies, a business support contract, employer employability projects, town and parish funding for public realm improvements, officer funding, tourism campaigns and a free training platform for businesses in the district with access to over 200 courses.
Members were advised that it was unknown whether there would be any future funding past March 2025 from Government. A programme office had been set up to monitor outcomes and outputs to ensure processes and procedures were followed as set out. Reports so far showed that targets would be delivered or exceeded. As part of the closure process programme evaluation would take place with numerical achievements and wider social impact of the delivery alongside lessons learned.
Members discussed the report. In response to questions, the officer explained all the funding had been allocated and all projects had been launched. Projects would continue to be monitored for underspends which could be re-allocated but none were forecast. The Council monitored projects that received funding very strictly, to counteract fraud and check for any underspend. A full programme evaluation would be undertaken, to identify lessons learned and understand priorities should futher funding be forthcoming.
Resolved: That the progress of the delivery of the UKSPF and REPF programmes, be noted.
Meeting point update report Minutes: The Economic Development Officer presented the report, which updated members on the progress of the Meeting Point hub in its first year of operation. The building was awarded a Housing Design Award celebrating its mixed use development.
The Hub provided dedicated business support as part of the commitment to the regeneration of the area. Customer satisfaction rates were high, and all offices were let with a waiting list. A number of occupants had outgrown the space, and had moved out into the local area, demonstrating its capacity to help businesses develop. Meeting room occupancy was above target, and the meetings and event space was let regularly. However, the occupancy of general desk space was less than expected. The officer identified a number of contributing factors to this, including the lack of progress of developments in the area, construction delays for the hub, and the difficulties in establishing a new brand. Alternate marketing avenues were being explored, and gradual improvement in occupancy had been seen. Cost reduction was prioritised to combat inflation. It was noted that intangible benefits provided by the hub, such as connections made between businesses, should be considered alongside the economic performance of the hub.
Members discussed the report. In response to questions, the officer explained that the Council would engage in conversations with other business hubs across West Kent, as part of West Kent Invest, to identify opportunities for learning and to cross-promote services. It was not feasible for the hub to expand to nearby units; the layout of the site was in line with the business plan’s optimised map. Changes to the proportion of meeting rooms against open desk space would be investigated in the future.
Members discussed the performance of Meeting Point in its first year of operation. They highlighted the role the hub had played in catalysing other developments in the High Street. They expressed concern about the lack of information on its financial performance relative to the plan, and the lack of remedial actions proposed for issues. It was noted that adjustments could be made, and that a more in-depth examination would be undertaken. It was proposed that the review be brought forward to commence in December 2024, to expedite this process.
Resolved: That
a) the progress Meeting Point has made during the initial year of operation and to note the wider role Meeting Point has in supporting the district’s economic development, be noted; and b) it be recommended to Cabinet that the comprehensive review of the Meeting Point service commence in December 2024.
Minutes: The Work Plan was noted, with the following changes:
26 November 2024 · Budget · Process & Efficiency Task and Finish Group Final Report
27 February 2024 · Digital & Customer Insights Update
Members discussed the possibility of a future update on the Council’s intangible assets and how they were recognised and assessed. They further discussed the possibility of a review of the Council’s communications, and any lessons learned from previous campaigns.