Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Argyle Road, Sevenoaks. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 01732227247  Email:

No. Item


Election of Chairman


Resolved: That Cllr Bulford be appointed Chairman of the Advisory Committee for 2023/24.


(Cllr Bulford in the Chair)


Election of Vice Chairman


Resolved: That Cllr Dyball be appointed Vice Chairman of the Advisory Committee for the year 2023/24.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 79 KB

To agree the minutes of the meeting of the People & Places Advisory Committee held on 7 February 2023, as a correct record.


Additional documents:


Resolved: That the Minutes of the People & Places Advisory Committee held on 23 February 2023, be approved and signed as a correct record.


Declarations of interest

Any interest not already registered.



There were no additional declarations of interest.


Actions from Previous Meeting


There were none.


Update from Portfolio Holder


The Portfolio Holder updated the Committee on some of the key highlights of work undertaken within her Portfolio including stating that it had been a busy few months with the reopening of Edenbridge and Sevenoaks Leisure Centres and Lullingstone Golf Course being achieved within 6 weeks of Sencio ceasing to trade, under the interim operator, Everyone Active.  Community activities had included 12 week free football sessions in Hartley, Swanley, Edenbridge and New Ash Green, which came to an end in June.  The launch of launch of the Better Together community mobilisation programme built on the ‘hands on’ projects that people created during the pandemic in their own neighbourhoods. It helped provide practical support, skills development, networking and capacity building to individuals and new/existing community groups to enable new initiatives and groups. The online Better Together Community Hub had been launched, which included details of local services, a community toolkit and information on volunteering opportunities, activities and events. Members were encouraged to follow Better Together on Social Media and sign up on the website:-


Instagram: bettertogethercommunityhub

Twitter: @hub_together

Facebook Page: Better Together Community Hub – Sevenoaks District


The Council’s supported internship programme was coming to an end with Broomhill Bank School and talks were underway with the school to continue for a further year from September. The Portfolio Holder expressed her thanks to the students for all their work and wished them well with their future endeavours.

Members’ attention was brought to the Kent Police Neighbourhood Policing model which went live on 7 June. It would see an increase in Police Constables across the county, as well as Beat Officers who would have more on-street visibility as well as powers of arrest and enforcement. Other Community Safety work included a Violence Against Women & Girls round table event and a multi-agency approach to tackling anti-social behaviour at The Vine.  Resources for the latter were being provided from youth workers, Police and Sevenoaks Town Council.


The Portfolio Holder was also pleased to announce the success of the Council in securing £1.5 million funding as part of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Rural Prosperity Fund, alongside the completion of the Meeting Point business hub in Swanley High Street.


Members were reminded that the Family fun days were taking place again this year and started on 24 July 2023, alongside a busy programme of tennis and rugby sessions and netball sessions.



Referral from Cabinet or the Audit committee


There were none.


Role of the Advisory Committee and Key Challenges pdf icon PDF 43 KB


The Chief Officer People and Places gave a presentation on the role of the Committee and the areas of responsibility including; Community Plan, Community Safety, Town Centres, Tourism, West Kent Partnership, WK Leader, Community Grants, Safeguarding, Youth, Parishes, Leisure Activities, Wellbeing. She also summarised the key issues and challenges facing those areas.


Resolved: That the report be noted.



Public Realm Commission Annual Update pdf icon PDF 59 KB


Members considered the report which provided an update on the work of the Commissioner from the Public Realm. The Committee was provided with the background to the role of the Public Realm Commissioner and his end of term report with key projects and lessons learned.


Members discussed the report and asked questions of clarification. In response to questions, the Chief Officer for People & Places advised that if a budget was made available for the Public Realm Commissioner it would result in existing and popular community events and activities being withdrawn. However, the Health & Communities Team are advising the Commissioner on available external funding opportunities for the Public Realm.


The Committee thanked Cllr Hogarth and the Team.


Public Sector Equality Duty

Members noted that that consideration had been given to impacts under the Public Sector Equality Duty.


Resolved: That the report be noted.



Public Spaces Protection Order - The Vine Proposed Consultation pdf icon PDF 108 KB

Additional documents:


The Health and Community Safety Manager presented the report which sets out a proposed 6 week public consultation for a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) for 3 years at the Vine and surrounding green areas in Sevenoaks. The Council had a duty to do all that was reasonable to prevent crime and disorder in its area and work towards delivering the objectives of the Sevenoaks District Community Safety Plan. The Community Safety Unit worked alongside Sevenoaks Town Council and it had been agreed by them as the area was owned by them.


Over many years there had been reoccurring Anti-Social behaviour and criminal damage at the Vine however this year has seen an increase in this behaviour.


The restrictions proposed for the PSPO were to include:


• Failing to comply with a direction not to consume, in breach of this order, alcohol, or anything which an authorised person reasonably believes to be alcohol where the authorised person reasonably believes that a person has engaged in anti- social behaviour.


• Failing to surrender a container of alcohol (whether open or not) when

asked to do so by an authorised person.


• Engaging in anti-social behaviour which is likely to cause harassment

alarm and distress to those persons in the locality.


• Not to return within 24 hours.


Members discussed the report. In response to concerns raised, the Officers advised that young people would be consulted via the schools, and looking at dates it would be possible for the result of the consultation to come to the November meeting of the Advisory Committee. Members were also advised that dispersal orders were only put in on an evidence base and would only cover weekends and may not be in place every weekend. A PSPO would involve signage and detail what could not be carried out at the Vine and surrounding areas, but people would only be asked to move on, if they were causing Anti-Social behaviour.


If the consultation was agreed to take place, Members were encouraged to complete the public consultation where they would be able to detail their thoughts in regards to the PSPO.


Public Sector Equality Duty

Members noted that that consideration had been given to impacts under the Public Sector Equality Duty.


Resolved: That


a)  the contents of the report and the process for implementing a Public  Spaces Protection Order (PSPO), be noted; and

b)  the recommendation to Cabinet to authorise a 6 week consultation with members of the public and partners on implementing a PSPO at The Vine and surrounding grass areas, be supported.


Work Plan pdf icon PDF 34 KB


The work plan was noted with the addition of the results of the PSPO consultation being added to the meeting on 30 November 2023.


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