Agenda and minutes

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No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 79 KB

To agree the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 16 July 2024, as a correct record.


Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting held on 16 July 2024 be approved, and signed by the Chairman as a correct record, subject to the inclusion of the presence of Cllrs. Barker and Paul Darrington.



Declarations of Interest

Any interests not already registered.


There were none.



Actions from Previous Meeting (if any)


There were none.



Update from Portfolio Holder


The Portfolio Holder gave an update on the services within her portfolio. The Climate Change Strategy had been adopted, and the draft Action Plan was progressing, focussing on projects which delivered on the six climate change priorities within the Strategy.


Several articles in the Autumn 2024 edition of InShape focused on the Council’s green initiatives. It introduced the new reusable recycling bags and updated the public on the progress of the Darenth Valley Landscape Recovery project and the coppicing work in the district’s woodlands. It further highlighted the training in green construction skills offered in partnership with MidKent College and opportunities for home energy efficiency improvements. Over 4000 solar PVs had been installed in the district since 2022 as part of the Solar Together scheme.


It was anticipated that the Sevenoaks East-West Walking, Wheeling, and Cycling (WWC) route would be delivered by the end of the year. The outline designs for the Sevenoaks-Otford WWC route were nearing completion. Work on a WWC infrastructure plan for Edenbridge, and a feasibility study for a walking route between Swanley and Hextable, was ongoing.


The new waste transfer station at the Dunbrik Depot had been opened. It would enable the recycling of more waste, as required by the government’s Simpler Recycling legislation. The station was permitted to take 75,000T of waste per year, and had two bridges to increase disposal turnover time. Construction of the station was ahead of schedule.


The Portfolio Holder congratulated Ray Froud, one of Council’s Senior Countryside Rangers, for receiving the Long Service Award from the Royal Forestry Society, and thanked them for their hard work to support biodiversity in the district.



Referral from Cabinet or the Audit committee (if any)


There were none.



Domestic Waste and Recycling Update pdf icon PDF 68 KB


The Head of Direct Services presented the report, which updated the committee on the work relating to domestic waste and recycling, as agreed by Cabinet on 18 July 2024. The internal desktop review was progressing, with the 2021 WRAP report serving as a baseline. Costings were being updated and 15 alternate waste and recycling collection options were being explored. Work was ongoing on formulating a new draft Waste & Recycling strategy. Officers were working with the Cleaner & Greener Advisory Committee working group to develop the residents’ survey. A review of the Environment Act 2021 had been commissioned from Cornerstone Chambers to inform implementation options for future waste and recycling services. A Waste & Recycling training session had been held, and the recording had been circulated to members to allow those that were unable to attend to engage with the training.


In response to questions, the officer explained that commercial and trade waste were managed separately, and that a full options report for this would be presented to a future meeting of the committee. The WRAP report included emissions analyses, which may be updated as part of the desktop review.


Resolved: That the report be noted.





Cleaner & Greener Working Group Update pdf icon PDF 53 KB

Additional documents:


The Chairman of the Working Group presented the report which updated the committee on the work of the Cleaner & Greener Working Group on the reusable bag rollout and the Waste & Recycling residents survey. The Chairman of the Working Group explained that discussion focused on the council’s communication of the upcoming bag-for-life rollout, and alternate options for waste collection. A comprehensive leaflet would be issued alongside the bags, to provide information on their use and purpose. An article would also be published in InShape to share the council’s wider ambitions regarding waste. The communications campaign would also involve social media.


Members discussed possible options to promote public engagement with the survey. They were advised that responses would feed into the ongoing development of the Waste & Recycling Strategy.


            Resolved: That the report be noted.



Work Plan pdf icon PDF 38 KB


The Work Plan was noted. Members were advised that the Climate Change Update would include the Update on the Car Idling Campaign.


Members noted that the forthcoming committee meetings had been moved to 11 November 2024 and 12 March 2024.



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