Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Argyle Road, Sevenoaks. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services: 01732227165  Email:


No. Item


Appointment of Chairman


Resolved: That Cllr. McArthur be appointed as Chairman of the Advisory Committee for the year 2022/23.


(Cllr McArthur in the Chair)



Appointment of Vice-Chairman


Resolved: That Cllr. Roy be appointed as Vice-Chair for the Advisory Committee for the year 2022/23.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 304 KB

To agree the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 19 April 2022, as a correct record.


Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting held on 19 April 2022 be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

Any interests not already registered.


There were none.


Actions from Previous Meeting


There were none.


Update from Portfolio Holder


The Chairman and Portfolio Holder gave an update to the Committee.

The application to the Heritage Lottery Fund for Bradbourne Lakes had been scheduled for August 2022 and the Council’s consultant had kept residents and Kent Wildlife Trust updated.At Mill Pond, the Council would retest silt to determine its current state, Thames Water had agreed to do some work to the filtration system.

Food standards assessments were progressing and were busy. A report would be brought to the next meeting of the Advisory Committee.

The Portfolio Holder would be meeting the Cabinet Member for Environment at Kent County Council along with the Director for Environment and Waste, and the Interim Head of Sustainable Business and Communities, for Climate Change discussions. Topics would include: progress towards local net zero commitment, approach to climate change adaptation and mitigation locally, air quality and trees.


Referral from Cabinet or the Audit committee (if any)


There were none.


Net Zero 2030 - 2021/22 Action Report pdf icon PDF 241 KB

Additional documents:


The Net Zero Project Co-ordinator presented the report which provided additional detail on a selection of the projects achieved in 2021-22. These included updates on: Net Zero webpage and Communications, the Movement Strategy, Greener Homes, Smart Bins, Low emission and electric vehicles, biodiversity and the natural environment and the Air quality action plan.Many of the projects remained ongoing and had been incorporated into the actions for 22/23 which were agreed by members in April 2022.

Members discussed the report and associated appendices and asked questions of clarification. It was confirmed that the Council was using as much existing funding as was possible. Members noted that the information on tree planting throughout the report was out of date and would need to be updated before the actions were published.

In response to a question on listed buildings, it was confirmed that energy efficiencies were being looked into, the Council was looking at developing advice for listed building consent.

          Resolved: That the report be noted.



Contaminated Land Strategy 2022 - 2027 pdf icon PDF 105 KB

Additional documents:


The Environmental Protection Team Leader presented the report which proposed that Cabinet adopt an updated Contaminated Land Strategy. The revised strategy identified that the Development Control Process had been instrumental in the remediation of many sites and would be encompassed within the Strategy. This strategy proposed this method of discharging the statutory duty primarily by the development control processes.

The strategy had been circulated throughout the Council departments and the Environment Agency and all were happy with its content.

Officers confirmed that the original strategy identified one site which required remediation. This work was completed some time ago and the site record removed. There were no sites at the time in the contaminated land register. 

The register was usually considered within the planning process hence it had been included in the strategy.

Resolved: That it be recommended to Cabinet that it be recommended to Council that the Contaminated Land Strategy, be adopted.



Off Street Car Parks Electric Vehicle Charging Points Update pdf icon PDF 179 KB


The Head of Direct Services presented the report that provided an update as to the electric vehicle charging points (EVCPs) in off-street car parks. Sevenoaks district had the highest number of electric vehicle ownership in Kent.

The Council had committed to installing EVCPs in Sevenoaks District Council owned car parks. This was included as an action for the Net Zero 2030 work.

The Council had installed 10 charging points within Sevenoaks District Council owned car parks via BP Pulse. The Council would continue to introduce more Charging points over the coming years.

The Head of Direct Services clarified a typographical error on page 66 of the agenda, the increase from charging points from 10 – 46 should read as 10 – 56.

Members asked questions of clarification.

Officers confirmed that at the time, the risk and costs associated with the EVCPs were burdened on the supplier. The technology of EVCPs was progressing quickly and it was expected that the EVCPs in Council owned car parks would be updated at no cost to the Council until the medium term. The electric vehicle fleet owned by direct services totalled 114 vehicles with only 45 HGVs.

At the weekend the Council staff car park was open for public use and so installing EVCPs at the Council car park would accommodate the public. In response to further questions it was confirmed that installation was limited by the location of Council car parks. In the future Officers could look at where these could be located but at the time were restricted by the number of power points around the district. Officers would continue to work with Kent County Council on EVCPs.

          Resolved: That the report be noted.



Net Zero 2030 - Ebikes And Social Value pdf icon PDF 121 KB

Additional documents:


Officers presented the report which proposed that Cabinet authorise the engagement of a consultant to assess the viability of an e-bikes scheme.  Member’s attention was drawn to the supplementary agenda, which amended the recommendations

In response to questions Members were advised that the scheme would not be limited to the Share Bike proposal.

The Chief Officer Finance and Trading, confirmed that the financial risk of the Share Bike proposal would entail an initial outlay of £250,000 by the council with the intention that it was repaid by the operator. The Monitoring Officer, further confirmed that there were no governance or procurement issues.

Members discussed the proposals. Some concern was raised as to the feasibility of the proposed Share Bike scheme in urban areas. Members discussed the viability of a rental scheme for e-bikes where residents could keep the bikes at home.

Public Sector Equality Duty

Members noted that consideration had been given to impacts under the Public Sector Equality Duty.


          Resolved: That it be recommended to Cabinet that

a)            the engagement of a consultant to assess the overall feasibility of introducing an e-bike scheme in the District taking into account scheme demand, geographical coverage, economic case, fleet assumptions, cost and tariff plans, delivery and operating options and scheme risks, be authorised;

b)           the engagement of the same consultant to develop a business case for a feasible scheme if such a scheme is deemed achievable by the consultant be authorised;

c)             the initial costs  be funded from the Net Zero Reserve, be agreed;

d)           in principle the provision by spring 2023 of a partnership e-bike scheme within the District as a vehicle to address the issues of homelessness, under-employment and low skills in the workforce, be endorsed; and

e)            prior to the 2023/24 budget being set, a final report on this item including any consultancy advice be brought back to Cabinet for consideration.



Work Plan pdf icon PDF 52 KB


The Work Plan was noted.


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