Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Argyle Road, Sevenoaks. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services Email:  01732227199

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 127 KB

To agree the Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 23 November 2021 as a correct record.


Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting held on 23 November 2021 be agreed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

Any interests not already registered


There were none.



Actions from Previous Meetings (if any)


There were none.



Update from Portfolio Holder pdf icon PDF 143 KB


The Chairman and Portfolio Holder gave an update to the Committee, with particular emphasis to the tabled Green Homes Grant.

The Green Homes Grant project had been progressing well. Phase 1A of the Green Homes was offered to local authorities in September 2020 to help upgrade the energy efficiency of around 10,000 low-income households across all areas in England, with all bids to be assessed on merit and funding allocated accordingly. Various measures were considered including ground source heat pumps and PV (Photovoltaic) solar electricity installations. 

The team applied for and were awarded £688,190 to carry out the scheme.

As a result, the housing conditions of 48 homes in the Sevenoaks District had been vastly improved, not only offering a benefit in carbon saving (almost a thousand tonnes of CO2 over the predicted lifespan of the measures) and financial terms (approximately £200,000 saved on heating bills) but also offering a significant improvement in the quality of life and well-being of some of Sevenoaks District’s most vulnerable residents.

Members discussed the update and asked questions of clarification.



Referrals from Cabinet or the Audit Committee (if any)


There were none.




The Chairman, with the committee’s agreement, brought forward consideration of item 7 The Health and Wellbeing Action Plan Update and Quarter 2 report (minute 41).



Health and Wellbeing Action Plan Update and Quarter 2 Report pdf icon PDF 96 KB

Additional documents:


The Health and Communities Manager presented the report which set out the half year progress of the action plan, which was a multi-agency action plan. Good progress was being made, with 77% of targets had been given green status.

Members discussed the report and noted that GP referrals were down. It was confirmed that officers were attempting to increase GP referrals to field suites and partnership meetings were ongoing in order to tackle this problem.

Public Sector Equality Duty

Members gave consideration to impacts under the Public Sector Equality Duty

Resolved: that the report be noted




Health and Wellbeing Action Plan pdf icon PDF 117 KB

Additional documents:


The Health and Communities Manager and the Health Team Leader presented the report which set outthe Action Plan which collated the available data on health and wellbeing and used this data to target specific actions aimed to improve the health and wellbeing of Sevenoaks District residents. This Action Plan would determine focus, attendees and multi-agency partnership work undertaken in the district.

Members discussed the report.

In response to questions it was explained that the predicted increase in residents over 65 would contribute to a decrease in working age residents but an increase in available housing as populaces looked to downsize.

The Committee congratulated the team for their hard work and co-ordination on this project.

Public Sector Equality Duty

Members gave consideration to impacts under the Public Sector Equality Duty

Resolved: That it be recommended to Cabinet that the Health and Wellbeing Plan for 2022/23 be approved.



One You Programme Update pdf icon PDF 158 KB

Additional documents:


The Health Team Leader set out the report which updated the committee on how “One You” services were performing in Sevenoaks District. “One You” was a national Public Health England branded campaign, synonymous with behaviour change and health improvement.

Members discussed the report.

In response to questions the Health Team Leader confirmed that the funding received from Kent County Council was annual to deliver the service for the whole of Sevenoaks District and that he was liaising with KCC to provide more funding to tackle this problem. The funding came from Public Health England via Kent Public Health’s Health Improvement grant.

The Health Team, through funding from Public Health England were in the process of recruiting a Specialist Weight Management Officer to help people on a weight programme but it was re-iterated that this required referral from GPs and that the One You Team were liaising with their partners to resolve this problem.

In response to a question the Health Team Leader highlighted that the problems would change depending on circumstances and that Health Teams would have to adapt to the inactive, often isolated lifestyles generated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Resolved: That the report be noted.



Quercus Housing Update pdf icon PDF 198 KB


The Chief Officer (People and Places)presented the report which outlined the progress of Quercus Housing.

The Quercus Housing Business Plan covered the period April 2021 to March 2022.

A target had been set for Quercus Housing to provide 10 ‘genuinely affordable’ homes each year.

In September 2021, the Quercus Housing Business Plan was revised, which would enable the company to undertake prudential borrowing, for example, through the Public Works Loan Board, via the Council, where appropriate and subject to the usual approval mechanisms, including the review of the financial compliance aspects and scheme viability in consultation with the Quercus Housing Guarantor Board.

In September 2019, Quercus Housing purchased the freehold of Gladedale House in Westerham, a property newly-converted into residential use. The property was made up of 14 one and two bedroom flats. Five of the units had been leased to Quercus 7 for market rent, 5 units conformed to the new ‘genuinely affordable’ definition as they were within the Local Housing Allowance rate and the remaining 4 units were ‘intermediate rent’, in that they were 80% of market rate and offered to local essential workers. This spread of affordability supported the Council’s Housing strategy. All of the flats were occupied.

The total cost of the project was £3.771m, with £2.481 million funded from S106 affordable housing contributions and the remainder of the cost, paid for by Quercus 7, for its leasehold properties.

Heads of Terms were agreed in December 2020 to acquire the freehold of 11- 13 High Street, Swanley for £3,600,000 (15 flats at £240,000 per flat on average). The property was in the course of development and comprises 12 two bed flats and 3 one bed flats. The shops were to be retained by the developer on a 999 year lease at a peppercorn ground rent.

The Chief Officer was due to perform a site visit of 11-13 High Street on 25 January 2022 and would circulate photos to the Committee.

Quercus Housing was progressing a potential project to develop Abbey Court in West Kingsdown providing self-contained affordable flats.

Investment opportunities continued to be actively pursued with the aim of having a pipeline of schemes that continued to meet the financial plan within the Business Plan approved by the Guarantor Board

There was some concern raised over the waiting list for social housing via housing associations. The refresh of the Council’s Allocations Policy would help address these issues.

Members expressed an interest in visiting 11-13 High Street. The Chief Officer would look into this possibility. It was noted that this would be dependent upon Covid- safety compliance and upon the need to fill the vacancies of the new site.

                   Resolved: that the report be noted



Green Homes Grant Project pdf icon PDF 198 KB


Due to an administrative error, the report was not published with the agenda and the Chairman updated the Committee on the project under his Portfolio Holder update (Minute 39).



Summary of the Sevenoaks District emerging housing strategy pdf icon PDF 176 KB

Additional documents:


The Housing Strategy Manager presented the report which sets out a summary of the key priorities and themes of Sevenoaks District Council’s emerging housing strategy.

The Council appointed recognised consultants, Arc4 and Campbell Tickell, to work with officers to support the collation of the evidence base, consultation and drafting of the strategy. The Strategy represented the emerging objectives and key priorities for Sevenoaks District.

Further consultation would help shape the new Housing Strategy which would identify how the Council would manage and deliver its strategic housing role and provide an overarching framework that would feed into the Local Plan and help to formulate other policies on housing issues.

Members discussed the report and stressed the lack of options for first time buyers. It was noted that the draft timetable would be amended as public consultation would be extended into April 2022.

Parish Councils were to be contacted and consulted as required.

Public Sector Equality Duty

Members noted that consideration had been given to impacts under the Public Sector Equality Duty.

Resolved: it be recommended to Cabinet that public consultation be undertaken.



Sevenoaks District Housing Register Allocations Scheme pdf icon PDF 135 KB

Additional documents:


The Housing Strategy Manager presented the report which laid out that the scheme would require approval by Full Council so that it may be adopted as Council policy. Following adoption, it would apply to all applicants seeking social housing in the District and the allocation of vacant social housing stock.

The Housing Register Allocations Policy directed applications for, and the allocation of, vacant social housing in the District. It applied to approximately 6,500 homes. The Policy was used in conjunction with the local choice based lettings scheme – Kent Homechoice - and was followed by the District Council’s Housing Accommodation Team and the Council’s housing provider partners, including Quercus Housing.

The new Scheme had been drafted to ensure that access to social housing supported the needs of residents and the corporate aims of the Council, as well as reflecting legislation. There was an extremely limited supply of social housing within the Sevenoaks District and this scheme was designed to work with the Council’s housing providers to make the best use of the stock available and promote Sevenoaks District as an attractive place to live.

It was noted that the proposed all-member consultation prior to consideration by Cabinet was due to be held on 19 January.

It was noted that the draft timetable would be amended as public consultation would be extended into April 2022.

Members discussed the report.


Public Sector Equality Duty

Members noted that consideration had been given to impacts under the Public Sector Equality Duty.


Resolved: That it be recommended to Cabinet that

(a) the proposed main headline revisions to the new Sevenoaks District Housing Register Allocations Scheme be considered;

(b) a full public consultation be approved.



Bevan Place, Swanley Development Proposal pdf icon PDF 477 KB

Additional documents:


The Strategic Head of Commercial and Property presented the report which outlined the Council’s plans to redevelop the former Swanley Working Men’s Club site and adjacent car park at Bevan Place.

It was noted that paragraph 4 of the report should be altered to read as: “The proposed scheme included up to 93 homes.”

The scheme would also incorporate retail uses along the High Street, a communal garden and landscaped surface car-parking for residents. The scheme would include the highest environmental and sustainability standards possible to ensure the scheme was not only an exemplar benchmark scheme for Swanley, but would  also enhance residents’ well-being.

Officers were seeking approval to progress the scheme, applying for planning permission and procuring a lead design and build contractor to deliver the scheme subject to obtaining all the necessary statutory consents. Practical completion was envisaged by 2024.

Members discussed the report.

In response to questions it was confirmed that the gardens access to sunlight was being looked at and flood-risks were being investigated.

Some concern was expressed as to the loss of trade and infrastructure in Swanley due to the new site.

It was confirmed that this was a strategic site and the project team were in discussions with KCC in order to provide adequate access and egress from the site. A sustainable Travel plan was also being prepared.


Public Sector Equality Duty

Members noted that consideration had been given to impacts under the Public Sector Equality Duty.


Resolved that:

a)    The advisory committee endorse the redevelopment of the site to deliver a new residential-led development. 

b)   That it be recommended to Cabinet that the recommendations below be endorsed:

(i)           Cabinet endorses the development of a new residential-led scheme on this site which will deliver up to 93 new homes, retail uses, communal and public garden, resident car parking and highway improvements to Bevan Place;


(ii)         Cabinet notes the viability challenges this site and scheme presents and approves the delivery of this scheme using an income-based financing model (rent model) that will result in the Council retaining housing and retail stock to generate income to repay the cost of the development;



(iii)        Cabinet recommends to Council the provision of £26,575,836 in the 2022/23 – 2024/25 Capital Programme to deliver the scheme within the parameters set in Section 57 of this report and notes that this is in addition to the previously approved amount of £730,000 in the 2021/22 Capital Programme for this project;


(iv)        Cabinet approves the acquisition/inclusion of the adjacent West Kent Housing Association land and buildings, known as 1-12 Bevan Place, Swanley, and to enter into a development agreement with West Kent Housing Association that will result in 14 residential units being transferred to West Kent Housing Association on a leasehold basis, the terms of which are outlined in the draft Heads of Terms in Appendix C and delegates authority to the Strategic Head of Property and Commercial Services and the Chief Officer Finance and Trading following consultation with the Cabinet Member for  ...  view the full minutes text for item 48.


White Oak Leisure Centre Residential Quarter, Swanley Development Proposal pdf icon PDF 244 KB

Additional documents:


The Strategic Head of Property and Commercial presented the report that gave an update for phase 3 of the redevelopment of the White Oak Leisure centre complex in Swanley.  

Work on Phase 1, construction of the new leisure centre, had commenced and work was progressing well. Phase 2, demolition of the existing leisure centre, was on track to begin in February 2022. The report sought approval to proceed with Phase 3, the residential element of the scheme. A hybrid planning application was granted permission in October 2019 with full permission granted to redevelop the leisure centre and outline permission granted for this element. This was to provide a new residential quarter of up to 41 new dwellings on the northern part of the site where the old leisure centre and car park were at the time sited.

It was envisaged that a full planning application would be submitted by July 2022 and, subject to planning being obtained, works could commence in early 2023.

The proposed development aimed to provide:

  • New homes including both flats and houses with private gardens
  • Communal green space
  • Car parking
  • Trees
  • Enhancement of the urban fabric surrounding the new leisure centre


Members discussed the report. It was suggested that flats would generate a transient population which would not encourage residents to lay down roots in Swanley and that the sight should provide more family sized homes. The Strategic Head of Property and Commercial explained that the unit mix and size was based on the local housing needs assessment, the strategic housing market assessment, and based on discussions with local estate agents and research undertaken.

In response to a question it was confirmed that the initial 41 units that had been suggested were no longer financially viable. The Strategic Head of Property and Commercial explained that the cost and valuation assumptions needed to be revised to reflect current market conditions and site conditions The lack of affordable housing was also questioned and in this was explained within the context of having to re-provide a new state of the art leisure centre

The Strategic Head of Property and Commercial explained that he would remain in consultation with Swanley Town Council and was happy to liaise with Members as required.


Public Sector Equality Duty

Members noted that consideration had been given to impacts under the Public Sector Equality Duty.


Resolved: That

(a)   the Advisory Committee endorse the redevelopment of the site to deliver a new residential development;


(b) the Advisory Committees endorse the proposed recommendations to Cabinet and Council as set out below:

(I)           Cabinet notes the viability issues associated with this site and endorses the development of a new residential scheme on this site which will deliver 81 new homes;


(II)         Cabinet recommends to Council the provision of £20,189,137 in the Capital Programme to deliver the scheme;


(III)        subject to Council’s approval of the capital provision of £20,189,137 in the Capital Programme, Cabinet delegates authority to the Strategic Head of Property and Commercial and the Chief Officer Finance  ...  view the full minutes text for item 49.


Work Plan


The Work Plan was noted with the following additions:



Summer 2022


·         Housing Strategy 2022-2026

·         Update on Empty Homes Action Plan

·         Rough Sleep Initiative Update

·         Out of Area Placement Policy


Autumn 2022




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