Venue: This meeting will be held virtually via Zoom, and livestreamed here:
Contact: Email: 01732 227199
No. | Item |
To agree the Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Spending Board on 9 December 2019. Minutes: Resolved: That the Minutes of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Spending Board meeting held on 9 December 2019 be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record. |
Declarations of interest or Predetermination Including any interests not already registered Minutes: Councillor P. Darrington declared that for Application A – Sports Hall and Facilities, he was the Ward Councillor for the application.
Councillor Mrs Morris declared for reasons of transparency for Application B – Extension to Kemsing Surgery that she was the Ward Councillor however, she was not a patient at Kemsing Surgery and for Application C – Otford Traffic Scheme, she lived in Pilgrims Way but was not on the route of the proposed traffic scheme and remained open minded.
Councillor Hogarth declared that for Application D – Creation of playing fields and other sports facilities and Application E – Weald Memorial Hall Maintenance and Renovations, he was the Ward Councillor for the application however he remained open minded.
Councillor Andrews declared that for Application A – Sports Hall and Facilities that she had previously attended the school and was a Member of Swanley Town Council.
Councillor Grint declared that for Application F – Knockholt Village Centre Refurbishment, he was the Ward Councillor for the application however he remained open minded.
Declarations of Lobbying Minutes: Councillor Esler declared that she had been lobbied in respect of Application A – Sports Hall and Facilities and Application D – Creation of playing fields and other sports facilities.
Councillor McGregor declared that he had received an email regarding Application C - Otford Road Traffic Scheme.
Councillor Andrews declared that she had been involved with bringing White Oak and Orchard’s Academy forward for consideration at the Council.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chairman advised that following the Late Observations sheet that was published that evening, she would allow the Board five minutes of extra reading time for consideration. The Planning Policy Team Leader (Infrastructure) presented a report which updated Members on the CIL process and legislation, in particular the Government changing legislation to allow CIL charging authorities the discretion for a limited time to defer CIL payments and not to apply late payment interest to help businesses during the COVID19 pandemic. It was noted that there had been a review of governance arrangements which were detailed in the report. Members’ attention was brought to the late observation sheet which amended paragraph 20 of the report and advised Members that following the publication of the report there were sufficient funds to cover all applied for bids before the Board.
An invitation for bids had been sent out to all statutory infrastructure providers and interested parties. The process for assessing applications was a two – stage process as set out in the council’s constitution and all the bids had been judged on merit.
Application A – Sports Hall and Facilities
The application sought £158,000 to fund improvements to sport facilities at the Orchards Academy. The aim was to open the improved sports facilities to the local community and include an increased range of sports and physical activities available for the school and the community, and would involve the creation of a new entrance so the public could enter the facilities without having access to the school.
Officers advised approval as the proposal demonstrated a number of social and economic benefits to the community; as well as the project being identified in adopted plans and strategies and was supported by the local community, as well as demonstrating partnership working. There was also a strong link between new development and the scheme. It was noted that the CIL funding was being sought to fund phase 1 of the proposal. Member’s attention was also brought to the late observations sheet.
The Board was addressed by the following speakers:
Company/person/body responsible for the bid: Justin Culver (Asset Program Manager for the Trust) For the bid: - Against the bid: - Parish Representative:- Local Member: Cllr Dyball
Members asked questions of the speakers and officers with particular regard to funding. In response to various questions the Council’s Senior Solicitor confirmed that if additional grants were received there were provisions in the legal agreement for clawback. The community use agreement was near completion and was detailed as per the standard provisions set out by Sports England.
Application B – Extension to Kemsing Surgery
The application sought £117,380 to fund an extension to the first floor of Kemsing Surgery, which was a satellite branch of the Otford Medical Practice. The purpose of the extension would create a further 3 clinical rooms, patient’s toilets and extended waiting area. A new patient touchscreen and Jayex display screen/patient call screen would also be installed. It was predicted that the proposed development in the ... view the full minutes text for item 9. |