Agenda and minutes

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No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 56 KB

To approve the Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 19 January 2023, as a correct record.


Resolved: That the Minutes of the previous meeting of the Scrutiny Committee held on 19 January 2023 be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.



Declarations of Interest

Any declarations not already registered


For reasons of transparency Cllr Layland declared for item 5 – Sevenoaks Hospital Chief Executive in attendance (Minute 35), he was the Local Member for Edenbridge South and West.



Responses of the Cabinet to reports of the Scrutiny Committee (if any)


There were none.


Actions from the Previous Meeting (if any)


There were none.


Sevenoaks Hospital Chief Executive in attendance pdf icon PDF 2 MB

The Chief Executive, Sevenoaks Hospital will be in attendance to answer questions on the hospital’s service and any challenges.


The Chairman welcomed Mairead McCormack, Chief Executive for Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust (KCHFT)to the meeting who gave a presentation to the Committee. Members were given an overview of the health services provided at Sevenoaks Hospital and the Edenbridge Memorial Health Centre which was due to open in autumn 2023. The Community Health Centres provided a range of services for residents as urgent care units.

The new Edenbridge Centre would deliver a GP surgery with diagnostic services, including ultrasound. Plans included expanding the day centre opening from three to six days as well as providing a wider range of outpatient clinics and children's services. The Chief Executive explained that the new centre would reduce the need for residents to travel to Tunbridge Wells or Maidstone hospitals to access services.

Members asked questions of clarification on patient referrals and hospital services. Members were advised that the Sevenoaks site was an urgent treatment center open seven days a week with designated GPs available. Only if further treatment was required would patients be referred to local hospitals. Facilities were being promoted through a ‘digital front door’ which signposted patients to services without having to see a GP. Members suggested that services could be further advertised via Inshape, the Council’s magazine.

In response to a question, it was explained that the lack of x-ray provision reflected that the Edenbridge Health Centre was a designated minor injury unit with a level of footfall below the required threshold. In assessing the needs of all residents in the location it was decided that x-ray services were not required, however the Urgent Emergency Care Board reviewed data on admissions and requirements every two weeks.

The Committee raised questions regarding healthcare for children. It was explained that education and social care were being co-designed with community partners which meant that school nurses had an important role to play in developing the understanding of healthcare services for children and parents.

Future development plans at Sevenoaks Hospital were queried, the Chief Executive advised Members that the Sevenoaks site was considered a centrally important community hub and the Health and Care Partnership were looking into future-proofing of the site and long-term viability.

The Committee thanked the Chief Executive for attending.



Performance Monitoring pdf icon PDF 70 KB

Additional documents:


Members considered the report which summarised performance across the Council as of the end of January 2023. Members were asked to consider 15 performance indicators which were performing at 10% or more below their target with a commentary from Officers explaining the reasons and detailing any plans to improve performance.

In response to a question on performance indicator LPI_DS Waste 002, the Chief Officer – Customer and Resources confirmed that missed collections had decreased while customers and crews adapted to the new rounds. The data would be reviewed regularly to ensure that targets were achievable and attainable.

          Resolved: That the report be noted.



Chairman's Draft Annual Report pdf icon PDF 66 KB


The Chairman introduced his draft report to Council which summarised the work of the Scrutiny Committee for the year 2022/2023. The Chairman took the opportunity to thank Members and Officers for all their contributions and support during his tenure as Chairman.

Members considered the report and thanked the Chairman for his service.



Work Plan pdf icon PDF 42 KB


The Work Plan was noted, and it was requested that the new Sevenoaks Leisure Centre Operator be invited to the November 2023 meeting to provide an update.



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