Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Argyle Road, Sevenoaks. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 01732 227165  Email:

Note: This meeting will be livestreamed to YouTube here: . Members of the public who wish to attend in person are requested to wear face masks and observe social distancing procedures. For health and safety reasons access may be limited and will be on a first come first served basis. 

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 136 KB

To agree the Minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 26 May 2021, as a correct record



Resolved:  That the Minutes of the Health Liaison Board held on 26 May 2021, be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

Any interests not already registered.


No additional declarations of interest were made.


Actions from Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 79 KB


The actions were noted.


The Chairman, with the Board’s agreement, brought agenda items 5 and 6 forward.


West Kent Integrated Care Partnership Update pdf icon PDF 97 KB

Additional documents:


The Chairman welcomed Sally MacKinnon, the Director of West Kent Health and Care Partnership who gave a presentation on the partnership and work taking place within the West of the District.

The West Kent Health and Care Partnership (HCP) was a Place Based Partnership (PBP) bringing together local health and care organisations. The West Kent HCP included all key organisations providing health and care in West Kent. Some of the aims of the West Kent HCP include making health and care services more accessible, improving wellbeing of residents, ensuring the best value is achieved from the resources invested and supporting broader social and economic development.

Priorities for West Kent HCP included mental health for adults, young people and children, frailty and complex adult care, and developing joined up services at a neighbourhood level. Next steps included engaging with partners and residents to develop a road map, refine the governance in the light of Integrated Care System development and improve communication.

Following queries on shortages of GPs, Members were advised that the West Kent HCP had a workforce group in place to address the shortage. Consideration had been given to having Covid-19 vaccination programmes delivered elsewhere to free up time for GPs to carry out other services. Measures were considered to attract GPs to the local area, but the shortage had been a problem nationally.

Members expressed concerns over the inconsistency of access to services between GP practices with reports of residents with difficulty getting an appointment having to go to Urgent Care Centres. Members were advised there were moves towards contractual arrangements and partnerships between surgeries to help deliver more consistent services. The PBPs were in place to allow services to adapt to the specific needs of residents and communities in the area.

The Chairman thanked Sally MacKinnon for her presentation and attendance.


Digital Inclusion - Compaid pdf icon PDF 90 KB


The Chairman welcomed Val Sprott, the Training Services Manager from Compaid who gave a verbal update on work towards digital inclusion.

Compaid provides digital training in a relaxed and informal atmosphere for those with learning, physical, financial or mental difficulties so they receive training suitable for them. The training had been one-to-one training which is person centred and based on their needs. For those who need it, a laptop is provided on loan. Topics covered in training include email, safety, public services, social media and entertainment.

The Council and West Kent Housing Association (WKHA) had made 30 digital referrals. Within the District, there was currently a dedicated trainer in the area who can provide the digital training in person or virtually. In person training was available at The Stag Theatre in Sevenoaks and the Alexandra Suite in Swanley. When a client is first referred to Compaid, their needs are assessed with their circumstances including mental health, literacy and objectives being taken into consideration.

Compaid’s had planned to employ a new trainer to start in the new year. Following funding received, Compaid hoped to be able to gift phones to clients to allow them to communicate with others.

Following questions from Members, it was clarified that clients received training sessions free of charge with technology loaned to them for free. A key challenge was making residents aware of the service provided. The Health & Communities Manager advised that the Council was aiming to help promote the service.

The Chairman thanked Val Sprott for her update and expressed an interest in having her return to give an update on Compaid’s work at a future meeting.


Sevenoaks Local Care Board Update pdf icon PDF 90 KB


The Health & Communities Manager gave a verbal update on the work of the Dartford, Gravesham and Swanley (DGS) Local Care Board Established in 2018, the Board’s vision was to enable people to stay well and remain independent. Examples of this work included supporting adults with care needs such as those who are frail or have complex needs by providing interventions to help keep them in their own homes. Further aims included supporting those at risk of social isolation and preventing unnecessary visits to A&E.

In the wider framework to improve health and social care outcomes, consideration had been given to welfare of carers involved. There were also aims to have a large and more resilient health and social care work force. The DGS Local Care Board would develop a strategic approach with a plan currently in draft.

Action 1:  That the Dartford, Gravesham & Swanley Local Care Board’s Strategic Plan be circulated.

Resolved:  That the update be noted.


Updates from Members


The Chairman used his discretion and Cllr Griffiths addressed the Board. Members were advised that the Patient Voice Committee for The Oaks Surgery in Swanley would host an event on 11 November on wellbeing after Covid-19. The Council’s One You Team would be in attendance to give guidance to residents on how to improve their health.

Cllr Perry Cole advised that he would be attending Kent County Council’s Health & Overview Scrutiny Committee (HOSC) meeting on 11 November and would feedback discussions to the Dartford, Gravesham and Swanley NHS Trust who were due to attend.


Workplan pdf icon PDF 89 KB


The work plan was noted with the addition of inviting a representatives from the G4S Patient Transport Services and West Kent Mind to attend the next meeting of the Board on 26 January 2022. Compaid would be invited back to attend the meeting in Summer 2022.


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