Agenda and minutes

Venue: Conference Room, Argyle Road, Sevenoaks. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 01732 227165  Email:

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 68 KB

To agree the Minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 8 November 2017, as a correct record.



Resolved: That the Minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 8 November 2017 be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.



Declarations of Interest

Any interests not already registered.


There were no additioanl declarations of interest.


Actions from the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 28 KB


The Head of Housing and Health advised that the website had been updated to include ‘Walking and Running’ as well as Health Walks. New services had been set up with the GP clusters and Officers are supporting the Dartford and Gravesham Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) on social prescribing models.



Licensing and how it fits with health pdf icon PDF 48 KB


The Committee welcomed the new Head of Licensing Partnership, who gave Members an overview of how Licensing fitted in with Health. She advised that there were a number of licensing regimes that fitted with health, in particular alcohol, with its link between abuse of alcohol and health issues, the availability of alcohol, safeguarding and addiction. Whilst it could be easy to identify problems with known premises and take action to review the licence, it was harder to evidence a more widespread link between general areas and the increase or presence of alcohol related health issues.


Sevenoaks had been selected to take part in a pilot scheme being arranged by the Home Office to test a piece of software which would plot crime and health data across the geographical area into the licensing database. This would allow evidenced based conclusions to be drawn and policies amended accordingly. Under the licensing regimes, safeguarding was part of taxi and private hire licence knowledge tests. There were also other safeguarding issues that officers were aware to look out for when visiting licensed premises.  Safeguarding responsibilities were also being expanded to gambling premises, to ensure there would be policies and procedures in place help protect addicts. Members were provided with the example that someone would not be able to bet their entire wages.


The Licensing Partnership would be running the Metropolitan Police initiative, Welfare and Vulnerability Engagement (WAVE) which was to remind and train the different industries and officers about what more they could do to intervene with situations and how it could impact health outcomes and prevent serious injuries and assaults.


Members were advised that air quality was also being looked into, and ways to encourage ‘green’ vehicles with respect to the policy for licensing of taxis.


Members discussed the points raised and were advised of the licensing process for alcohol sales and licensed premises and a link to public access would be circulated to all Members. Education was key was key in raising awareness against loneliness and the use of alcohol.


Action 1: For Head of Licensing Partnership to circulate the Licensing Public Access link to all Members.


Members further discussed the role of Trading Standards within licensing and mobile food vans not being located outside schools.


Action 2: For Head of Licensing Partnership to look into the framework behind Street Traders.


Resolved: That the report be noted.


The Committee thanked the Head of Licensing Partnership for her attendance.



Updates from Members


Cllr. Clark advised that he had attended the Rural Services Network Health & Social Care Board and tabled a written summary from the meeting. Members discussed the issues identified by the network and discussed their top 3 areas of priority for the survey. Members were also advised that they could complete the survey themselves.


Cllr. Searles advised that he had attended the recent Health and Overview Scrutiny Committee meeting, Dartford, Gravesham and Swanley (DGS) Health and Wellbeing Board and the Dartford and Gravesham CCG Board. Concerns were around the number of nursing vacancies at Darent Valley Hospital. It was hoped by 2020 that a medical school would be built in Canterbury.


Cllr. Dyball advised that Health Walk Leader Training would take place on 27 February 2018 and raised concerns regarding illegal tooth whitening.


The Chairman advised that the new 5 ‘One You’ Advisors were all in place and were responding to the 150 referrals that had been received. There were placements in an initial 4 GP surgeries and were providing support and information to link the different support services available whilst carrying out holistic assessments with customers. The funding was provided by Kent Public Health for 3 years. The Chairman also advised that Supajam a charity in Swanley providing help for young people with special educational needs were looking to provide breakfast for their students. The Head of Housing and Health advised that a local charity had been contacted. Members discussed speaking to local food outlets and supermarkets. The Head of Housing and Health advised she would take the suggestions forward.




Workplan pdf icon PDF 36 KB


The work plan was noted with the removal of West Kent Challenge. Members were asked to consider an external attendee for the September 2018 meeting.


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