Agenda and minutes

Venue: Conference Room, Argyle Road, Sevenoaks. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 01732 227165  Email:

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 65 KB

To agree the Minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 24 May 2017, as a correct record



Resolved: That the Minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 24 May 2017 be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.



Declarations of Interest

Any interests not already registered.


There we no additional declarations of interest.


Actions from Previous Meeting


There were none.


HealthWatch Kent pdf icon PDF 549 KB

Presentation by Steve Innett


The Chief Executive of Healthwatch Kent, Steve Innett, was welcomed and gave a presentation on the work of Healthwatch Kent to the meeting.


Members prompted the Head of Housing & Health to advise Mr. Innett of the work the Council was doing with Pembury and now Darenth Valley hospital discharge teams using Disability Funding grant money and employing maintenance workers to help getting homes fit for purpose to enable people to be returned home.


In response to questions he advised that it was hoped that those that signed the pledge would distribute the ‘help cards’. Members all agreed the ‘help cards’ were a good idea and suggested that they could also be distributed via Churches and Parish & Town Councils.


He also advised that they did signpost to voluntary services and enjoyed hearing positive feedback from those that benefitted.


The Chairman thanked him on behalf of the Board.


'Up and Running' Presentation pdf icon PDF 261 KB

Verbal presentation on ‘Up and Running’ by Shona Campbell

Additional documents:


The Chairman welcomed Shona Campbell, a running coach, who had set up with Harriet Heal a clinical psychologist ‘Up and Running’ a 10 week beginners running course open to all women over 18 who struggled with their mental wellbeing.  Shona gave a brief history of the group which had been established in February 2010. 

First five years supported by SDC since Autumn 2015 been operating on own income and the optional £2 not for profit group voluntary 10 week course  not like the couch to 5k approach specifically designed around the group being coached so before start Harriet would assess the mental health needs of the group and Shona would assess the physical and the course would be tailored to suit.  There were regular features in Inshape and there was a graduate run at the end of each course where previous participants were invited to take part.  There were two key elements, the social/support side and the exercise.  Harriet would undertake a further assessment at the end of the course and statistically there was a significant improvement in mental wellbeing by the end of each course.  Their very first group was still running together and supporting each other, 8 years on.  Sometimes graduates would move on to other running clubs.


Health benefits of running included: improved blood pressure; better bone density; fewer disabilities in later life; 7 times less likely to need knee replacements; lower cancer rates; half as likely to die early; and 36% less likely to develop dementia.


A Members queried that walking may be better for older people.  Shona advised that age was not a barrier, and the Chairman advised for those that wished to walk there was now ‘Every Step Counts.’


The Chairman asked what was needed from the Council. 


Action 1:  The Health Team Leader agreed to signpost funding possibilities, and the Head of Housing and Health to investigate links to GP clusters and check that there was signposting to the group on the Council’s website.


Additional information was tabled.


Dementia Friendly Update pdf icon PDF 50 KB

Additional documents:


The Health Team Leader presented the report and gave a Dementia Friendly Update.


A Member queried what could be undertaken as preventative measures for dementia.  The Head of Housing and Health advised that the more that could be done around ‘healthy living’ the better.  A bigger issue was denial and not wanting to get diagnosed even though it was proven that early intervention helped.


It was noted that a new care home in the District was going to be dedicating a whole floor to dementia patients and were hoping to become a hub for the area.  The Forum was hoping to create a hub within the Council offices and were looking at the possible feasibility of using the Council Chamber gallery.


The Chairman encouraged everyone to help raise awareness and think about how the district, their wards, cold be become more dementia friendly.


Updates from Members


Councillor Firth was invited to address the Board.  She advised that with the help of the Health Team Team Leader and Head of Housing & Health, and following conversations with Shona Campbell and other running groups, she had identified a gap and come up with the idea of starter low level health walks.  Work had been undertaken on branding, leaflets published, publicity in InShape and local newspapers.  The first group was now on week 7 with a regular attendance of 16-20 people and had already exceeded the ambition of 7 miles in total.  Each session ended at the hospice café where they counted their steps and how far they had walked.  She had already met with volunteers at West Kingsdown where the next one would start.  She stated that more councillors could all become health, think what could be achieved.  Cllr. Dyball said she was interested in starting a walk in Swanley. She suggested that there should be ‘Well Being Forum’. 


The Health Team Leader advised that he was looking for ways to provide links/signposting from GP surgeries. It was suggested that something could be put in the West Kent Health leaflet. The idea of a generic poster for surgeries was suggested.


Cllr. Clark advised that he was attending the Rural Services Network representing the Leader and they were starting up a rural social care and health group, the first meeting was taking place on 20 November 2017and he intended to attend and highlight the work the Council had been doing.  The first presentation would be from new national centre for rural health and care, and he would report back to the next meeting.


He also advised that he would circulate the link for a petition asking the Government to put General Practitioners on the Home Office's 'Shortage Occupation List',  which was running until 19 March 2018, in case anyone wished to sign it.


Workplan pdf icon PDF 35 KB


The workplan was noted.  West Kent Challenge was added to the next meeting, with an update on West Kent and health and the ‘One You’ campaign, along with an update on the pilot project in Edenbridge to the meeting in the summer.


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