Agenda and minutes

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No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 37 KB

To agree the Minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 2 March 2016, as a correct record



Resolved: That the Minutes of the meeting held on 2 March 2016, be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.



Declarations of Interest

Any interests not already registered.


There were no additional declarations of interest.


Change in agenda item order

With the agreement of the Board, the Chairman brought forward consideration of agenda item 4 (Minute 3).



Healthy Workplace Update pdf icon PDF 28 KB

Additional documents:


The Chairman welcomed Kas Hardy, Public Health Specialist at Kent County Council to the meeting, who gave a presentation on Health at Work. She highlighted that the percentage of working age population in the County was falling and so addressing skill gaps and keeping people healthy in work would become key in allowing people to remain in the labour pool for longer. Poorer people were likely to spend 17 more years with disability than average. Only 10% of difference in premature deaths was from health care but 40% was from behaviours. The themes running through Kent Healthy Business were leadership, culture and communication. She described to Members the programmes they were involved in including Public Health Programmes, the Workplace Challenge and the Kent Healthy Business Awards (KHBA).


The Environmental Health Manager explained that the Council had been approached to engage local businesses in the KHBA programme. The Council  had carried out three mailshots advertising the free help and advice available to businesses, which was hoped would also increase awareness of the awards. The Environmental Health Commercial Team was networking with businesses and targeting businesses they considered most likely to participate. Two large and two other businesses had joined the scheme from the District. She noted that challenges in expanding the KHBAs included the competition with other award schemes, the focus it had on manual working, the perceived resource cost in participating and the high turnover of staff in food businesses.


In response to questions, the Environmental Health Manager confirmed the Team was trying to engage with businesses and chambers of commerce across the district.


The Chairman enquired how the Team could overcome the cost barrier that some businesses felt. Officers hoped that recruitment of a smaller business would allow them to be held up as an example and to mentor others. They directed smaller businesses to focus on one of the seven KHBA themes to reduce the costs. Members suggested greater promotion of the free resources and positive messages about the reduced costs from sick leave.


Resolved:  That the report be noted.



Actions from previous meeting pdf icon PDF 14 KB


The Chairman was impressed at the independence provided at the Wilmington High Dependency Care Centre, with flexibility in the level of support residents could choose. The Board thanked the Healthy Living Project Officer for arranging the visit.


The actions from the previous meeting were noted.



District Health Deal and Health Priorities pdf icon PDF 28 KB

Additional documents:


The Chief Officer Communities & Business introduced a report that provided Members with an update on the potential health improvement arrangements and work on the three key health priorities of tackling the rise of obesity, supporting people’s mental wellbeing and dementia and supporting older people to lead fulfilled and independent lives. The District Health Deal was tabled for Members’ information.


She advised that discussions had taken place with Kent County Council for the District to become partners, rather than taking on commissioned work. The District Health Deal set out how the Council’s existing functions could be brought to assist the public health agenda through a Ten Point Enhancement Plan. The Council could provide returns on investment, though it would not be the Council which benefited. The KCC Director of Public Health and Head of Commissioning had both expressed interest in the Deal. The Council sought £200,000 in the initial year, to fall in line with Government reductions.


Members discussed the adult healthy weight programme run by the Council. The Chief Officer Communities & Business confirmed that recommissioning for that  service would not take place until September 2016 but had managed to continue over many years. The Chairman noted it was part of the District Health Deal.


Resolved:  That the report be noted.



Updates from Members


Cllr. Seales addressed the Board and advised that he remained heavily involved in the provision of dementia services and Dementia Awareness Week commenced 15 May 2016. The former Age Concern building in Northfleet had been converted to a Dementia Hub providing holistic services including admiral nurses, solicitors, Carers First and Crossroads.


A Member asked the Chief Officer Communities & Business how discussions on health devolution would interact with the split of the District across two Clinical Commissioning Groups. She advised that it would be difficult to align devolution also with the CCG boundaries but by using GP surgeries as the geographical focus would try to ensure it would not matter which CCG a resident was covered by. If particular elements of the District Health Deal were successful in one CCG, then good practice could be spread to the other CCG.


Cllr. Clark updated Members that from attending the Advisory Board he saw signs of hope at the performance of Children’s Centres. The Centres were aware they were struggling but they were also dealing with more children than KCC were aware of. He advised that a Fair Care for Kent event was to be held in Ashford on 7 June 2016. He would be available to attend the event and report back.


Cllr. Dyball expressed interest in attending one of the flats at the Wilmington High Dependency Care Centre. Cllr. Brookbank confirmed he would arrange a further visit to the facilities and email Members beforehand. The Board noted the issue of further such facilities could be raised with Planning Services at the next meeting of the Board.


Cllr. McArthur informed Members that services in Edenbridge were being reviewed because of the upcoming significant population increase. The Chairman confirmed the CCG were aware of the concern.


Cllr. Brookbank confirmed from the KCC Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee that stroke services were being recommissioned. It was likely the current seven centres would be reduced to three.


The Chairman advised Members that the West Kent Health and Wellbeing Board had recently proposed more money for primary care, following concerns that resources had focussed on acute care. She had agreed to be the Health and Wellbeing Board’s representative on the CCG’s Commissioning Group for a year. Further discussion would take place on whether that representative should rotate around District Councils or remain in one person to allow continuity.



Workplan pdf icon PDF 16 KB

Additional documents:


The Chairman tabled an updated workplan for Members’ consideration, which was agreed.



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