Agenda and minutes

Venue: Conference Room, Argyle Road, Sevenoaks

Contact: Democratic Services 01732 227165  Email:

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 42 KB

To agree the Minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 9 July 2014, as a correct record



It was bought to Members’ attention that Cllr. Davison was listed as twice in attendance.


Resolved:  That the minutes of the meeting held on 9 July 2014 be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.



Declarations of Interest

Any interests not already registered.


No additional declarations of interest were made.


Actions From Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 14 KB


Members were advised that the notifications of the Annual Community Grant scheme had been sent to the relevant bodies.  Members note that the Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) would be invited to speak at the February 2015 meeting not February 2014.



Updates from Members


The Chairman advised that she had attended a meeting with members of Patient Participation Groups (PPGs), who were concerned that the Groups needed to create better links with partners including the Council.  Mr. Young who was a member of the Edenbridge PPG addressed the Committee and advised that there were 67 different PPGs across Kent, which were trying to encourage the use of local cottage hospitals rather than travelling to Pembury or Maidstone and were actively pursuing service provision in local areas to improve health.  The Chairman suggested that it would be interesting to hear from Mr Young and the PPGs in more details at a future meeting.


Cllr. Davison advised that he had a copy of the NHS Constitution and that the Chief Officer Communities and Business would get additional copies for the Board.  He had attended 8 health meetings recently.  The West Kent CCG were concerned with the progress that Children’s Mental Health Services (CAMS) were making, however the service was improving under the leadership of the Sussex Partnership with waiting and treatments waiting times reducing.  The hospital patient transport services commissioned to Primary Transport Service (PTS) were not reaching the contract standards and the contract was being investigated to make improvements.  Comments had been fed into the West Kent CCG’s ‘Mapping the Future’ Plan.  Edenbridge PPG were also working with Edenbridge League of Friends to arrange for a TV screen to be put into the surgery waiting room to inform patients of local services and updates about the surgery.


The Board were advised that at the South East Ambulance Trust AGM they were informed that the response time targets had almost been achieved and there would be rest centres for ambulance crews to use for short break within more isolated communities.  Currently each crew had to return to one central base each day.  It was hoped that a refurbishment at Maidstone Hospital would provide additional parking facilities. Kent County Council (KCC) Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (HOSC) were concerned mainly with East Kent hospital issues but also about the amount of time taken to implement new contracts.


Cllr. Searles provided an update to the Board, detailing the 12 health meetings that he had attended. Hextable PPG were working with the Swanley Dementia Friendly Forum to make Swanley town more dementia friendly.  The visit to the food bank on Friday 29 September 2014 had shown Members how the food bank operates and they had a greater understanding of people’s need for food banks during crisis and how this support could help people.


He advised Members that he had attended the Dartford, Gravesham and Swanley CCG’s AGM which was in a similar position to West Kent’s CCG.  The Government’s target for A&E waiting time was 95% to be seen within 4 hours.  Darent Valley Hospital were achieving 96.3% of the 4 hour waiting time, with Medway only achieving 80% and were also in special measures for under performance.  Ambulance response times were also not being met.  Darent Valley  ...  view the full minutes text for item 13.


With the Board’s agreement the Chairman brought forward consideration of agenda item 8.


Workplan pdf icon PDF 22 KB


Members discussed the work plan and agreed that PPGs should be included for the December meeting.  The Health and Communities Manager advised that Kenwood Trust would also be attending the December meeting as they could not attend the October date.  It was noted that the CCG would be attending the February meeting and that Ian Ayres, West Kent CCG Accountable Officer would be invited to explain how the Voluntary Transport Service and Ambulance service worked. Members were advised that if they wanted to scrutinise the service this was something that would be appropriate for the Scrutiny Committee and conversations were already taking place.



Falls Prevention Pathway pdf icon PDF 37 KB

Additional documents:


The Health and Communities Manager gave a presentation on the Falls Prevention Pathway which detailed the work being undertaken by the Council in partnership with Kent County Council as part of the integration of health and social care services. 


In response to questions the Health and Communities Manager advised that there was a focus on the prevention of falls which would reduce the number of people who were admitted to A&E.  The initial home assessments were also carried out via Social Services and Occupational Therapists.  The Council received government grants to do assessments for the home improvements and through Disability Facility Grants.  Members were advised that this in future would be incorporated within the Better Care Fund.


Resolved:  That the report be noted.



Healthy Weight and Obesity pdf icon PDF 39 KB

Additional documents:


The Health and Communities Manager gave a presentation on healthy weight and obesity which showed the work being undertaken by the Council in partnership with KCC to reduce the amount of adults and young people who are overweight or obese in the District.  Members were advised that the District had similar rates of obesity levels to the National figures for the number of obese and overweight adults.


The Chairman advised that she had received an email from Mr. Morrison from the Sevenoaks Cycling Forum and shared the email with the Board. The Health and Communities Manager advised that the Council had organised 12 cycle rides in the Summer with over 100 in attendance.  In response to questions she also advised that Kent Public Health Team were doing a campaign to raise awareness of outdoor gyms, which were particularly useful in rural areas.  It was not something that could be put into schools as there were restrictions around gyms due to children’s development.  Members were also advised that swimming was a success with many people and that Sencio Leisure Centres offered an advantage scheme for those on a low income which provided a discount on memberships including swimming.  Those who also took part in the Why Weight Scheme also benefit from being able to use the facilities at the Sencio Leisure centres.


Members asked questions relating to public health working with planning teams.  Members were advised that there were no restrictions around mobile food vans and these were able to pull up anywhere in the District and serve food.  Members were concerned that they could stop near school and this would have a negative impact on encouraging children to eat healthily.  The Health and Communities Manager advised that she was meeting with the Planning Department to discuss if there were any restrictions which could be imposed.  A Councillor queried whether it was something that could be included under the Licensing Objectives which was to protect children from harm with food vans being near schools.  Members were advised that there were some controls already in place with Environmental Health and Trading Standards.


Resolved:  That the report be noted.



Health Prevention Annual Report 2013 - 14 pdf icon PDF 37 KB

Additional documents:


The Health and Communities Manager presented a report which detailed the 2013/14 annual report for the health prevention programmes delivered by the Council.  The work was commissioned and funded by KCC’s Public Health Team as part of an annual Service Level Agreement.  The report summaries the programmed achievements and outcomes which contributed to improving the health and wellbeing of residents and form part of the District Health Inequalities Plan, ‘Mind the Gap.’


The Health and Communities Manager advised that case studies published in the Council’s In-Shape magazine helped to recruit Members as it gave a personal feel.  Up and Running were struggling to recruit numbers, however some of those who had completed the running course had found that there was a reduction in the use of medication.  The weight management schemes were growing and proving to be a success, however these programmes are all externally funded by Kent Public Health and this Council continues to work with Public Health to secure future funding to continue this work.


The Board thanked the Health and Communities Manager and the team for their hard work.


Resolved:  That the report be noted.




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