Agenda and minutes

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No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 145 KB

To agree the Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 22 June 2021, as a correct record.



Resolved: that the minutes of the meeting held on 21 June 2021 be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

Any interest not already registered


There were none.


Actions from the previous meeting


There were none.


Electric Vehicle Mileage pdf icon PDF 97 KB

Additional documents:


The Monitoring Officer presented the report which proposed that he be authorised to amend the Constitution regarding electric vehicle mileage to reflect HMRC rates for mileage payments which was, at the time, set at 5p per mile.


Members considered the report.


Public Sector Equality Duty

Members noted that consideration had been given to impacts under the Public Sector Equality Duty.


Resolved: that it be recommended to Council that the Monitoring Officer be authorised to amend the Members’ allowance Scheme so as to reflect the HMRC rates for mileage payments in respect of electric vehicles.



Notice of Summons to Meetings pdf icon PDF 228 KB


The Monitoring Officer presented the report which proposed an alteration to Part two of the Constitution allowing formal summons to meetings to be provided electronically by email.

The report proposed a change in line with the current legislative position as related to giving notice of meetings. It was hoped that this would lead to a reduction in courier movements in favour of formal legal service of meeting documents by email. The report would not prevent members from receiving a paper copy of agendas.

Members discussed the report and asked questions of clarification.

It was stressed that the proposal related to the manner by which the formal summons of meeting documents was made and not to ceasing the provision of paper agenda packs to Members.

Public Sector Equality Duty

Members noted that consideration had been given to impacts under the Public Sector Equality Duty.


          Resolved: that it be recommended to Council that:

a.    Members approve the revisions to Part 2 of the Constitution set out in the report;

b.   pursuant to the Council’s Net Zero 2030 ambitions, Members agree to accept formal legal service of meeting documents by email;

c.    Members note that paper copies of meeting agendas and reports will continue to be available in advance of meetings notwithstanding electronic service.



Development Control Committee Procedures pdf icon PDF 120 KB

Additional documents:


The Monitoring Officer presented the report which proposed a working group to report to the Governance Committee on plans to adjust part 7 of the Constitution and review the Development Control Committee procedures.

The proposals set out in the report solely related to consideration of the Rules for Addresses to the Committee at Meetings of Development Control Committee (paras 3.27 - 3.37); Site Inspections (paras 3.17 – 3.26 – not including procedures at the Inspections); and the order of business.

The report suggested a Working Group be established. The Working Group was proposed to report back to the following meeting of the Governance Committee and would consist of three members of the Committee. Any such Working Group would not be established to devise new wording and should restrict itself to consideration of the principle of constitutional amendments.

Members considered the report and associated appendices.

It was confirmed that the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Cllr Bayley would attend the working group.

A member of Legal and Democratic Services would also attend and advise the first meeting of the Working Group.

It was also confirmed by the Monitoring Officer that legal challenges had not been made in regards to Development Control meetings.

Public Sector Equality Duty

Members noted that consideration had been given to impacts under the Public Sector Equality Duty.


          Resolved: that


a.    a Working Group be formed to propose any necessary amendments in principle to Part 7 of the Constitution to the next meeting of the

Governance Committee;

b.   The Working Group shall consist of three Members from the Governance Committee;

c.    The Working Group shall be advised by an Officer nominated by the

Monitoring Officer, the Chairman of Development Control Committee and an Officer nominated by the Chief Officer – Planning and Regulatory Services;

d.   If so minded, the Working Group shall only make proposals in principle to amend Part 7 of the Council’s constitution with in respect of the following matters:

i.             Rules for Addresses to the Committee at Meetings of Development   Control Committee (paras 3.27 - 3.37);

ii.           Site Inspections (paras 3.17 – 3.26);

iii.          The order of business (including rights to address the Committee) (paras 3.5 – 3.6).

e.   The Working Group is not established to agree the precise wording of any suggested changes.



Chairman Events pdf icon PDF 107 KB

Additional documents:


The Monitoring Officer presented the report which laid out the various events that the Chairman of the Council had attended that civic year. 


The Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Council, at the time of writing had been invited to 222 events in the District and attended 195. For events which were outside of the District 110 invitations had been received. Out of those 53 events were attended.


The Committee discussed the report and gave their Congratulations to the Chairman, Cllr Esler for her service during a difficult period of social isolation as the district emerged from the pandemic.


Resolved: that the report be noted.



Work Plan pdf icon PDF 32 KB


Members noted the work plan and the addition(s) below:


21 June 2022


·         Development Control Procedures Working group report.



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