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No. | Item |
To agree the Minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 20 March 2024 as a correct record
Minutes: Resolved: That the Minutes of the meeting held 20 March 2024 be approved, and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
Declarations of interest Minutes: There were none.
Matters Arising/Update (Including Actions from Previous Meetings) Minutes: The Chairman explained that an EV Charging Update would be presented to a future meeting of the committee. The KCC Network Innovations Manager advised that the County Council would only know whether their applications for funding had been accepted in July 2024. |
Applications for Disabled Persons (Blue Badge) Parking Bays Minutes: The Chairman introduced the report, which summarised the latest applications for disabled persons (blue badge) parking bays within the District. These applications had been assessed in accordance with Kent County Council’s criteria; eleven applications were declined and four were approved for progression without objection.
Members requested that the criteria by which applications were assessed be shared with the committee.
Action: for the Head of Direct Services to circulate Kent County Council’s Assessment Criteria for Disabled Persons Parking Bays to Members.
Resolved: that
i) The applications received for disabled persons parking bays listed that did not satisfy Kent County Council’s assessment criteria, be noted and declined; ii) the applications received for disabled parking bays listed in the report that satisfied Kent County Council’s criteria and following public consultation for progression, be approved.
Highways Forward Works Programme Minutes: The Chairman presented the report which updated the committee on the Highways Forward Works Programme.
Members discussed the report. They noted that CIL funding would be used to deliver speed reduction in Otford. They discussed what constituted near-sided pedestrian facilities. It was agreed that a detailed explanation of this would be provided to members.
Action 2: For the officer to outline what Near sided Pedestrian facilities where traffic signal controlled crossings are converted to the Committee.
Resolved: That the report be noted. |
Active Travel Update Minutes: The Chairman presented the report, which updated the committee on the Active Travel Fund – Tranche 3 and Tranche 4 Schemes in the district.
Members discussed whether the active travel funding could be used to improve individual pavements directly. They were advised that it was extremely unlikely that the Department for Transport would approve such a scheme.
Resolved: That the report be noted. |