Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Argyle Road, Sevenoaks. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 01732 227165  Email:

Note: The meeting due to be held on 13 September 2022 was cancelled due to the passing of our late Sovereign, Queen Elizabeth the Second. All business due to be considered at that meeting is now being taken at 7pm on Wednesday 21 September 2022. 

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 72 KB

To agree the Minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 8 March 2022, as a correct record.



Resolved: That the Minutes of the meeting held on the 8 March 2022, be agreed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


Declarations of interest


There were none.


Matters Arising/Update (Including Actions from Previous Meetings) pdf icon PDF 60 KB


The actions were noted.


Results of the public consultation for parking restrictions in Chipstead High Street, at the entrance of The Old Carriageway pdf icon PDF 81 KB

Additional documents:


The Project Manager (KCC) presented the report which provided details of the proposed waiting restrictions at High Street, Chipstead and the results of the public consultation. The initial proposal had been for 35m which following feedback was reduced to 16m, as this was a reduction there was no requirement to go back to full public consultation but reconsult those who had objected if those objections still stood. The seven-day period of consultation expired with outstanding objections to the proposals. Members attention was brought to the recommendation on the grounds of improving safety for residents, drives and improvement of visibility.  


Members discussed the proposals, including the safety implications and considered the objections raised from the consultation. 


Resolved: That it be recommended that the objections be overturned and the Traffic Regulation Order to install the proposed waiting restrictions based on the updated plan in Appendix B, be progressed.



Results of the public consultation for a speed limit reduction on Childsbridge Lane, Seal pdf icon PDF 82 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered the report which outlined the results from the public consultation for a speed limit reduction on Childsbridge Lane, Seal. The proposal sought to reduce the national speed limit section of Childsbridge Lane between Seal and Kemsing to 40mph. The Project Manager (KCC) advised that the TRO would improve safety by reducing vehicle speeds at entry points to two villages and create a buffer zone.

The Chairman used his discretion and the Board was addressed by Cllr. Chris Haslam (Seal Parish Council) in support of the proposals.

Members discussed the concerns over road safety and agreed  that the proposals would reduce risks for pedestrians using the road and the adjoining bridge.

Resolved: That it be recommended that the objections made be overturned, and the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) to reduce the speed limit on Childsbridge Lane to 40mph, be progressed. 



Applications for Disabled Persons (Blue Badge) Parking Bays pdf icon PDF 47 KB

Additional documents:


Members considered the report which set out that the applications received for disabled persons parking bays, did not meet KCC’s assessment criteria and would not progress any further.

Resolved: That

a) the recent applications received for disabled persons’ (blue badge) parking bays to be provided within the District, in Brambledown, Cramptons Road and Acacia Walk be noted; and

b) as none of the applications met KCC’s assessment criteria, the applications would not progress further



Electric Charging points update - KCC pdf icon PDF 102 KB


The Project Officer (KCC) the report which presented an update on electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure across Kent, and looked at KCC’s role in ensuring residents and businesses were able to switch to electric vehicles.

In response to a question regarding the Oxford method the Project Officer advised that Oxford Labs were quite far ahead with Some Local authorities for on street parking and were trailing the installation of gullies  for cables from people’s houses through the pavements to the cars. This was a move away for some Local Authorities which had allowed cables to trail across the footway but Government were encouraging this not to happen and so the gully was seen as another option. This was not an easy option either due to issues around highway maintenance. It was anticipated that after another 6 months to a year there would be more information around the realistic costs involved.

Since the Board had last met, KCC had been awarded funding for the Local Electric Vehicle infrastructure (LEVI) pilot which was for looking at innovative solutions for resident’s off-street parking.

Members asked questions of clarification which focused on the LEVI pilot scheme,  costs and returns of EV Infrastructure and the anticipated regional strategy for EV charging. The Project Manager (KCC) outlined that ultra-rapid chargers and grid connections were costly and payback was slow, however charger numbers in Sevenoaks District had surpassed targets for 2022 and were on track to meet targets by 2023.

Members thanked the Project Officer for the report and his update.

          Resolved: That the report be noted.



Off Street Car Park Electric Vehicle charging Point Update pdf icon PDF 61 KB


The Head of Direct Services (SDC) presented the report which updated the Board on EV charging points in off-street car parks owned by Sevenoaks District Council. The Board were advised that there were 10 charges already within the car parks and there were plans for expanding this to cover 34 units in phase one. There were also electric charging points in the Council Offices car parks and it was being investigated how this could be used as a community hub with a fair use policy. There was also a plan for future proofing and additional trunking was being prepared in some car parks.


In response to questions, Members were advised that it was anticipated that phase 1 would be started in October 2022 and that a new pilot scheme for solar charging points to enable flexibility of locations which could be rolled out to more rural settings and this would look to happen under phase 2.


          Resolved: That the report be noted.



Highways Works Programme 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 154 KB


The Board considered the report which gave an update and summary of schemes that had been scheduled for delivery in 2022/23.

Members asked questions of clarification. The Sevenoaks Highway Manager (KCC) updated the Board that the Eardley road project was due to begin during the week commencing 3 October.

In response to a question Officers would report back to the Board with information on the A25 project funding from the combined Member Grant Programme.

Action 1 – For KCC to investigate and update the Board on the A25 project funding for the Combined Member Grant Programme.

          Resolved: That the report be noted.



Work Plan pdf icon PDF 35 KB


The work plan was noted with the following additions:


7 March 2023

·         Electric Charging Points Update – KCC

·         Electric Charging Points Update – SDC



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