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No. | Item |
To agree the Minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 7 December 2021, as a correct record
Minutes: Resolved: That the Minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 7 December 2021, be approved and signed as a correct record subject to County Councillor Chard being listed as the Vice Chairman.
Declarations of interest Minutes: For transparency, Cllr Cole declared that for Minute 36 – Applications for Disabled Persons (Blue Badge) he had been lobbied as he was the local Ward Member.
Matters Arising/Update (Including Actions from Previous Meetings) PDF 114 KB Minutes: The actions were noted with the following updates. The Project Manager (KCC) confirmed that the meeting took place on 13 January 2022 with Edenbridge Town Council and that the scheme was progressing well. Members were advised that in regards to action 3, costings were unable to be given at the current time but as the scheme progressed, costs would be discussed with the Local KCC Member.
Action 1: KCC to report the crash data received from the police to Farningham Parish council.
In accordance with Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the Chairman agreed to accept the urgent matter ‘update on the request for parking restrictions in Chipstead High Street, at the entrance of The Old Carriageway’, which had been circulated but had missed the statutory despatch deadline.
The matter was urgent as it would delay the consultation process if it were to wait for the next meeting of the Board.
The urgent matter was taken as agenda item 11 (Minute 37).
Electrical Charging Points PDF 499 KB Minutes: Members considered the detailed report which was presented by KCC and discussed the current position of Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Infrastructure across Kent and how it identified the need for further infrastructure. KCC were currently waiting for the Government to publish guidance to Local Authorities to provide clarification on the amount of action public sector bodies were expected to take. Until this was received, KCC could only estimate the percentage of chargers that Local Authorities should provide in comparison to the private sector.
Members discussed the report and asked questions of clarification
Action 2: For KCC to look at other Local Authorities for their provision of electrical charging points for those without off street parking.
Action 3: For a further update to be brought back to the JTB meeting in September.
Resolved: That the report be noted.
Minutes: The Lead Petitioner read out her statement regarding the speed reduction and increased safety on A25, Seal Road.
The Board considered the report which outlined proposals to reduce the current speed limit from 40mph to 30mph along the A25 subject to a full public consultation in due course.
The Chairman used his discretion and the Local Ward Members, Cllr Tony Clayton and Cllr Chris Haslam (Seal Parish Council) addressed the Board in support of the Lead Petitioners statement.
Resolved: That Officers bring back a further report with final recommendations
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Parking Engineer (SDC), presented the report which outlined the outcome of the statutory consultation undertaken in respect of the minor on-street parking proposals within The Kent County Council (Various Roads in the District of Sevenoaks) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting and Loading and Unloading and On-Street Parking Places) (Amendment 40) Order 2022 (hereafter known as “TRO 2013 Amendment 40”).
Resolved: That:
a) the report be noted;
b) it be noted that, no objections were received during the statutory consultation undertaken in respect of the minor on-street parking proposals within TRO 2013 Amendment 40, detailed in the Appendices to this report; and
c) it be noted that, because no objections were received, TRO 2013 Amendment 40 be made and the parking proposals contained within it be implemented, as drawn.
Update on Sevenoaks Town Proposed 20 mph speed limit PDF 120 KB Minutes: The Board considered the report which updated Members of the anticipated next steps to produce a ‘red line’ plan outlining the proposed extents for a proposed Sevenoaks town-wide 20mph speed limit, in preparation for a full KCC Corporate Consultation (date tbc) and to set-up a Sevenoaks town-wide 20mph working group. A request was made that a local member should be placed on the working group.
Action 4: For KCC to give an update at the meeting to be held in July.
Resolved: That the report be noted.
Highways Work Programme 2021/22 PDF 528 KB Minutes: The Board considered the report which gave an update and summary of schemes that have been programmed for delivery in 2022/23.
Members expressed their thanks to the Project Manager and his team (KCC) for all their hard work.
Resolved: That the report be noted.
Applications for Disabled Persons (Blue Badge) Parking Bays PDF 128 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Parking Engineer (SDC), presented the report which aimed to provide better management of the public highway, in line with current legislation and the Highway Code.
It was brought to the Board’s attention that paragraph 15 of the report which should read Oliver Crescent and not Oliver Close.
Resolved: That
a) the applications for parking bays for disabled persons (blue badge holders) in Olive Crescent, Farningham and Hillingdon Rise, Sevenoaks, which met Kent County Council’s assessment criteria, be noted;
b) the feedback from an informal consultation with neighbours and local representatives on the successful applications of the report, together with the Officer’s comments, be noted;
c) the recommendations that the applications be approved, and interim disabled persons (blue badge) parking bays be marked, be endorsed
The Chairman, with the Committee’s agreement brought forward agenda item 11 after agenda item 9. |
Minutes: The KCC project manager reported that following the consultation and the objections received, it was agreed to reduce the proposed extents for the waiting restrictions to 16m from 35m. He advised that a new plan has subsequently been drawn up and if the objectors were satisfied with the new amendment, there would be no statutory requirement to carry out another full public consultation. If further objections were lodged, it would be brought back to the Joint Transportation Board.
Resolved: That the report be noted.
The Chairman, with the Committee’s agreement took agenda item 11 after agenda item 9.
Minutes: The Work Plan was noted with the following additions:
June Petition update on A25 request for 20mph Update on proposed Sevenoaks town-wide 20mph speed limit.
September Electrical Charing points update