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No. | Item |
To agree the Minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 19 June 2024, as a correct record
Minutes: Resolved: That the Minutes of the Sevenoaks Joint Transportation Board meeting held on 19 June 2024 be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
Declarations of interest Minutes: For reasons of transparency, Cllr Horwood declared for Minute 53 – Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Update as he works for UK Power Networks. |
Matters Arising/Update (Including Actions from Previous Meetings) PDF 57 KB Minutes: The Senior Programme Manager clarified that Near Side Pedestrian facilities were where the button pressed to cross the road and the traffic was on the nearside. There was no signal opposite and these crossings also had kerbside control to ensure traffic was not held for longer than necessary. These facilities were called puffin crossings.
Action: For the Senior Programme Manager to provide a breakdown and definition of each type of popular crossing.
Public Consultation Results - 20 mph in Riverhead and Chevening PDF 272 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chairman presented the report which detailed the proposed extension to the existing 20 mile per hour (MPH) speed limit on various roads in Riverhead and Chevening, together with the results from the public consultation.
Members considered the report and asked questions with a focus on approval of proposals and funding the project. The Road Safety and Engineering Project Manager explained that the Parish Council was happy with the revised proposals. As the scheme was a smaller scheme, and as a goodwill gesture, it would be funded from the HIT budget. Members raised concerns regarding the assessment criteria for the funding to come from the HIT budget and asked the Highways Cabinet member to share the information.
Action: For the Cabinet member to distribute the assessment criteria to obtain HIT budget funding.
Resolved: That
a) Members of the board considered the proposals and
b) It be recommended to the Cabinet Member for Highways to overturn the objections to and progress the Traffic Regulation Order to reduce the speed limit to 20mph. |
Applications for Disabled Persons (Blue Badge) Parking Bays PDF 71 KB Minutes: The Chairman presented the report which provided an update on the latest applications for disabled persons (blue badge) parking bays within the District, which had been assessed in accordance with the assessment criteria set by Kent County Council.
Members discussed the report with the focus on the potential removal of a bay in Horton Kirby. Members were pleased to note that keeping a disabled bay in a road for a different resident, after the original user had moved, would not have a detrimental effect on other residents who may apply for a bay in the road.
Resolved: That:
i. the applications received, listed in section 6 of the report for disabled persons parking bays that did not satisfy Kent County Council’s assessment criteria, and declined, be noted; and
ii. the applications received for disabled parking bays listed in section 7 of the report that satisfied Kent County Council’s criteria and following public consultation for progression, be approved. |
Highway Forward Works Programme PDF 158 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman presented the report which provided an update and summarised schemes that have been programmed for delivery in 2024/25 and 2025/2026.
Members discussed the report.
Action: For the officer to provide details of the extend of works with the Engineer and Thames Water.
Resolved: That the report be noted. |
Active Travel Update PDF 68 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Senior Programme Manager presented the report which sought to update Members on Active Travel related schemes via the Active Travel Fund and Capability Fund in the Sevenoaks District.
Members discussed the report.
Action: For the officer to confirm whether they have an agreement on how the Sevenoaks East to West Cycle route, that meets Seal Hollow Road, will cross into schools.
Action: For the officer to confirm when KCC will be concluding their agreements with parish councils on the land the East West cycle route would be going through in Riverhead, Britten’s common and Littlewoods.
Resolved: That the report be noted. |
Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Update PDF 106 KB Minutes: The Chairman presented the report which provided an update on Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Infrastructure in Sevenoaks and outlined the Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Fund grant award.
Members discussed the report with a focus on progress of plans for a trial of the scheme. It was discussed that there should be a focus on persuading residents to charge electric vehicles with their own electricity. Similar projects had been carried out in other areas. A Member also raised concerns with the public using charging spaces for general parking spaces which blocks access to the charging point.
Resolved: That the report be noted.
Sevenoaks Townwide 20mph Scheme Update PDF 51 KB Minutes: The Chairman presented the report which provided an update to the Members on the Sevenoaks Townwide 20mph speed limit extension.
Members discussed the report with a focus on public feedback, monitoring for the areas and available data. A Member had received one negative response to the scheme. The Senior Programme Manager stated KCC had not decided when or where monitoring would take place. The County Council would utilise existing static sites and monitoring would also take place via other methods. Although there was no current monitoring plan in place, this would be created.
Action: For the Senior Programme Manager to create and distribute a monitoring plan.
Members also discussed whether average speed data for the areas of implementation had been collected. Officers stated they did not have the average speed data available.
Action: For the Senior Programme Manager to collate and distribute average speed data collected from google.
Resolved: That the report be noted |
Minutes: 25 March 2025
· Role of the Board in the future