Venue: Council Chamber, Argyle Road, Sevenoaks. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services 01732 227165 Email:
No. | Item |
Appointment of Chairman Minutes: Resolved: That Cllr Layland be appointed as Chairman of the sub-Committee (Councillor Layland in the Chair) |
Declarations of interest Minutes: There were none. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the Hearing and introduced those present. The Hearing gave consideration to the report by the Senior Licensing Officer. A new application had been received for a Premises Licence pursuant to Section 17 Licensing Act 2003 for the premises at Little Elses, Morley’s Road, Weald. 16 representations against the application had been made by local residents, 14 representations in support of the application had been made by local residents and 3 representations had been received by Responsible Authorities, Environmental Health and Planning. It was noted that the comments made at Appendix E had been withdrawn and would not be considered as part of the hearing. It was also noted that the application had been made at a similar time to a time limited Premises Licence application for the same property. However only comments in relation to the permanent premises application were to be considered as part of the Hearing. The Applicants and the Applicants’ Representative gave an introduction to their proposals. Members were informed of the supplementary information that the applicants had provided to the hearing including complimentary comments made on Facebook regarding the event.The applicants had applied to license more than was necessary for their events and were willing to accept limitations. They had made an application after a survey carried out by the Parish Council indicated that local people would be supportive of more community events.At the events, traffic marshalls and security would be on-site to ensure any parking or public nuisance problems were dealt with. The Applicants stated that they had no desire to extend the events until 23:00 hours every night as the events were aimed at a family-friendly audience. The applicants expressed they would be content if the events finished earlier but had applied for the maximum durations merely for convenience. Members asked questions of clarification of the Applicants. Space for Emergency Services would be accommodated upon entry to the site. Ticketing would take place on the main field so as to not disrupt road users. The Representors were then asked to present their concerns and objections to the Hearing. Concerns were raised as to the scale of the proposed licence as a year-round application. It was noted that the Applicants had not advertised their application online and so the comments found in the Applicants’ supplementary information may not be representative. The Parish Council had also not commented on the application formally and so their views may have not been as supportive. It was suggested that the licence would encourage additional events over 500 people which would cause inconvenience and nuisance to the surrounding neighbours. Members asked questions of clarification of the Officers present. It was confirmed that once a licence had been granted it would be able to be transferred to new people should licence holders leave. It was also confirmed that any issues with the licence could be called up for review to the Licensing Partnership. The Environmental Health Officer then presented the concerns ... view the full minutes text for item 12. |