Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Conference Room, Argyle Road, Sevenoaks. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 01732 227165  Email:

No. Item


Appointment of Chairman


Resolved: That Cllr Esler, be appointed Chairman of the Hearing.


Declarations of interest


There were none.


LICENSING ACT 2003 NEW TIME LIMITED PREMISES LICENCE APPLICATION - The Knockholt Fest, Land North of the junction with Shelleys Lane and Main Road, Knockholt, Kent. pdf icon PDF 62 KB

Additional documents:


The Hearing gave consideration to the report by the Senior Licensing Officer giving details of an application for a new time limited premises licence for The Knockholt Fest, Land North of the junction with Shelleys Lane and Main Road, Knockholt Kent, TN14 7PH. She provided a brief overview of the application, explaining that during the consultation period 28 representations against the application had been made by local residents, a local school and Knockholt Parish Council. The Sub-Committee was advised that consideration was to be given to the sale of alcohol and the opening hours to the public. A similar event as detailed could still take place without the sale of alcohol or live music.


The Applicant addressed the Hearing. In response to questions from the Hearing Panel, the Applicant advised that it was expected that 70% of attendees would come by public transport and they were working with a local taxi company for shuttle buses from and to Knockholt station. It was intended that additional signage and information on the website to attendees would be provided. He was also bringing in a Wi-Fi booster to ensure that calls could be made to taxi companies if required by the attendees. The Hearing was also advised that there would be a parking management team to direct cars and avoid parking on Shelley’s Lane. There would be six security staff and they would be checking bags on entry and no one was allowed to leave the site with food or drink to assist in preventing littering.


The Hearing heard from some of the respondents, who expressed a number of concerns. In response to the concerns raised and questions from the Sub-Committee, the Applicant advised that should there be wet weather then matting would be brought in for the car parking facilities. He further advised that there would be fencing along the public right of way separating the event site and he would ask the security staff to look out for spill over and display signage to not to stray onto private land. In concerns to noise and traffic the Applicant advised he would provide contact telephone numbers to the residents to be able to contact him if needed.


At 11.40am, the Hearing Members withdrew to consider the issues raised, accompanied by the Council’s Legal Advisor and Clerk to the Hearing for the purpose of providing advice only. They were also accompanied by 4 Members of the Licensing Hearing for training purposes only.


At 1:00pm, the Hearing Members, Council’s Legal Advisor and Clerk returned to the Conference Room.


The Chairman informed the Hearing that each application had to be dealt with on its own merits and that no predetermination had taken place. The Sub-Committee had had regard to the representations made by the Applicant and interested parties, the Licensing Objectives, the Statutory Guidance issued under Section 182 of the Act and the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy. She advised that the Sub-Committee had noted a number of apprehensions raised and the applicants attempt to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.

Notice of Determination pdf icon PDF 83 KB


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