Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Argyle Road, Sevenoaks

Contact: Democratic Services 01732 227165  Email:

No. Item


Declarations of Interest or Predetermination

Including any interests not already registered


Cllr Streatfeild declared for Minute 25 – 20/0298/OUT – Land North of Town Station Cottages, Forge Croft, Edenbridge Kent, TN8 5LR that he was also a Member of Kent County Council.


Cllr Layland declared for Minute 25 – 20/0298/OUT - Land North of Town Station Cottages, Forge Croft, Edenbridge Kent, TN8 5LR that he was the local ward Member, but remained open minded.


Cllr Barnett declared for Minute 25 – 20/0298/OUT - Land North of Town Station Cottages, Forge Croft, Edenbridge Kent, TN8 5LR that he was the local ward Member.



Declarations of Lobbying


Cllr Ball declared that he had been lobbied in respect of Minute 24 – Tree Preservation Order (TPO) 3 of 2022.


All Members, with the exception of Cllrs Ball, and P Darrington declared that they had been lobbied in respect of Minute 25 20/02988/OUT - Land North of Town Station Cottages, Forge Croft, Edenbridge Kent, TN8 5LR


With the agreement of the Committee, the Chairman brought forward consideration of the Tree Preservation Order.


Tree Preservation Order (TPO) 3 of 2022 - Bluebell Paddock is situated to the west of the A227 Gravesend Road, Hodsoll Street, between Oak Farm House and Rough Lea. pdf icon PDF 187 KB


TPO 3 of 2022 was served to avoid unnecessary tree removal works as a result of the possible development and formalisation of the site. The case Officer detailed his responses to the objection made as detailed within the report.


Resolved: That TPO 3 of 2022 be confirmed without amendment.


The Committee considered the following planning applications:


20-02988-OUT - Land North Of Town Station Cottages, Forge Croft, Edenbridge KENT TN8 5LR pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Outline application for the erection of 340 dwellings, including affordable housing, land for a 4FE secondary school including playing fields, land for a new twin hall venue for Edenbridge Scout Group, creation of a new car park for Edenbridge Town Station and associated infrastructure improvements, allotments, associated access from Four Elms Road, emergency access, open space, attenuation areas and landscaping and some matters reserved save for means of access.

Additional documents:


The proposal sought planning permission for the outline application for the erection of 340 dwellings, including affordable housing, land for a 4FE secondary school including playing fields, land for a new twin hall venue for Edenbridge Scout Group, Creation of a new car park for Edenbridge Town Station and associated infrastructure improvements, allotments, associated access from Four Elms Road, emergency access, open space, attenuation areas and landscaping and some matters reserved for means of access.  The application had been referred to the Committee at the discretion of the Chief Planning Officer, as the Development was of a significant nature being major development within the Green Belt.

Members’ attention was brought to the main agenda papers and late observation sheet which proposed an amendment to heads of terms of the Section 106 . The Development Manager set out the history of the application to Members highlighting that Counsel’s advice had been sought following the deferral of the application in March 2022.

Members attention was also brought to a late email which had been received from KCC, which stated: “KCC note with disappointment that Sevenoaks are proceeding to determine this matter without a recommendation that in order to alleviate the impact of this development:- 

a.  CIL receipts should be ring-fenced for education; or

b.  a requirement should be imposed on the developer to enter into a s106 agreement to bridge any gap between CIL funding made available to KCC by Sevenoaks and the actual costs incurred to provide school places to meet the need arising from this development.


Given the recommendations in the report, KCC is left with no alternative but to maintain their objection to the grant of planning permission to this development.  


Please note that should planning permission be granted this evening, I am instructed to provide advice to KCC in relation to issuing judicial review proceedings against Sevenoaks District Council.”  


The Development Manager went on to explain that the late representation did not affect the recommendation that was before Members, as nothing new was being raised, which had not been covered off in the officers report. He further highlighted the following key points, the application had previously gone to the Secretary of State for approval who had advised that the application could be determined at a local level. Following the Housing Delivery Results in January 2022, there was an even greater need for Housing in the District. The Planning Inspectorate’s decision at Broke Hill.  Clarified that Sevenoaks District Council were the CIL Charging Authority and it was down to the CIL Spending Board to make recommendations on how the money should be spent following the bidding process.


He further advised that the S106 set out the requirements and, should Members resolve to grant permission , but KCC did not sign the s106 agreement then the development could still go ahead under recommendation B.


The Committee was addressed by the following speakers:

Against the Application:

Deepesh Makhija

For the Application:

Katherine Miles

Parish Representative:

Cllr McArthur

Local Members:

Cllr McGregor  ...  view the full minutes text for item 25.


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