Venue: Council Chamber, Argyle Road, Sevenoaks. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services 01732 227165 Email:
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No. | Item | ||||||||
To approve the minutes of the meeting of the Committee heldon 6 January 2022, as a correct record.
Minutes: Resolved: That the Minutes of the Development Control Committee held on 6 January 2022, be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record. |
Declarations of Interest or Predetermination Including any interests not already registered Minutes: Cllr Layland declared for Minute 70 - 21/02825/FUL - Tonys Corner Shop, 18 Cedar Drive, Edenbridge KENTTN8 5JL and Minute 71 - 21/03526/FUL - Tonys Corner Shop, 18 Cedar Drive, Edenbridge KENTTN8 5JL, that he was the local ward Member but remained open minded.
Cllr Raikes declared for Minute 68 21/03048/HOUSE - 1 Bottle Cottages, Bradbourne Vale Road, SevenoaksKENT TN13 3DF, and Minute 69 Pinehurst House Nursing Home, Pinehurst, SevenoaksKENT TN14 5AQ that he had previously considered the items on the Town Council but remained opened minded.
Cllr Hogarth declared for Minute 68 21/03048/HOUSE - 1 Bottle Cottages, Bradbourne Vale Road, SevenoaksKENT TN13 3DF, and Minute 69 Pinehurst House Nursing Home, Pinehurst, SevenoaksKENT TN14 5AQ that he had previously considered the items on the Town Council but remained opened minded.
Cllr Edwards – Winser declared for Minute 73 - 21/03404/FUL - Appleby, 3 Greenhill Road, Otford KENT TN14 5RR that he was the local Member but remained open minded.
Declarations of Lobbying Minutes: All Councillors declared that they had been lobbied in respect of Minute 69 20/03293/FUL - Pinehurst House Nursing Home, Pinehurst, Sevenoaks KENT TN14 5AQ
All Councillors declared except for Cllrs Ball, Barnett, P. Darrington, Edwards-Winser, Hundson, Pett and Williamson that they had been lobbied in respect of Minute 70- 21/02825/FUL - Tonys Corner Shop, 18 Cedar Drive, Edenbridge KENT TN8 5JL
All Councillors declared except for Cllrs Ball, Barnett, Cheeseman, P. Darrington, Edwards-Winser, Hudson, Hunter, Hogarth, McGarvey, Pett and Raikes that they had been lobbied in respect of Minute 71 21/03526/FUL - Tonys Corner Shop, 18 Cedar Drive, Edenbridge KENT TN8 5JL
All Councillors declared, except for Cllrs Ball, Edwards-Winser, Hudson, and McGarvey that they had been lobbied in respect on Minute72 21/03404/FUL - Appleby, 3 Greenhill Road, Otford KENT TN14 5RR |
UNRESERVED PLANNING APPLICATIONS There were no public speakers against the following item and no Member reserved the item for debate, therefore, in accordance with Part 7.3(e) of the constitution the following matter was considered without debate: |
21/03048/HOUSE - 1 Bottle Cottages, Bradbourne Vale Road, Sevenoaks KENT TN13 3DF PDF 849 KB Erection of detached garage outbuilding. Minutes: The proposal sought planning permission for the erection of detached garage outbuilding. The application had been referred to the Committee by Cllr Canet, over concerns related to the impact of the proposal on the Locally Listed Building and Metropolitan Green Belt. It was moved by the Chairman and duly seconded that the recommendations within the report, be agreed. The motion was put to the vote and it was Resolved: That planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions 1) The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. In pursuance of section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2) The materials to be used in the construction of the development shall be those indicated on the approved plan Application form dated 15 September 2021. To maintain the integrity and character of the setting of the Locally Listed Building as supported by EN4 of the Sevenoaks Allocations and Development Management Plan. 3) The outbuilding hereby approved shall remain of a function which is ancillary to the main house on site and shall not be subdivided nor used as a separate dwelling. To preserve the visual amenity of the area and the openness of the Green Belt, in accordance with Policies EN1 and GB3 of the Sevenoaks ADMP. 4) The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans and details: 001, 003 Rev A, 004 Rev A For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.
RESERVED PLANNING APPLICATIONS The Committee considered the following planning applications: |
20/03293/FUL - Pinehurst House Nursing Home, Pinehurst, Sevenoaks KENT TN14 5AQ PDF 1 MB Demolition of the existing building and erection of two three storey blocks, two four storey blocks and, one five storey block totalling 56 residential units with associated landscaping, cycle storage, car parking, waste and recycling stores, and external lighting.
Minutes: The proposal sought planning permission for the demolition of the existing building and erection of two three storey blocks, two four storey blocks and, one five storey block totalling 56 residential units with associated landscaping, cycle storage, car parking, waste and recycling stores, and external lighting.
The application had been referred to the Committee by Cllr Canet in order to assess whether the proposal is over development of the site, out of scale with the residential character of the area and assess its impact upon highways/ on-site parking provision. Members’ attention was brought to the main agenda papers and late observation sheet which did not amend the recommendation. The Committee was addressed by the following speakers:
Members asked questions of clarification from the speakers and officers. It was moved by the Chairman that the recommendations within the report, be agreed. Members discussed the application expressing concern that the proposal could be overdevelopment of the site due to the number of flats and was not in keeping with the local area due to its scale. Concerns were also raised in regards to insufficient parking for the number of proposed flats. The motion to grant planning permission was put to the vote and it was lost. It was moved and duly seconded that planning permission be refused as the development would be over intensification of the site, did not comply with EN1 of the Core Strategy and was out of keeping with the residential character assessment. There was also a lack of appropriate parking facilities. Resolved: That planning permission be refused for the following reasons 1)The proposed bulk, scale, massing and height of the development is visually obtrusive and would be out of character with the built form within the local area. As such the proposal is contrary to policies EN1 of the Sevenoaks Allocations and Development Management Plan and SP1 of the Sevenoaks Core Strategy, the Sevenoaks Residential Character Area Assessment and the National Planning Policy Framework.
2)Without appropriate on-site parking to serve the development hereby permitted would lead off off-site roadside parking, that would lead to conditions that are prejudicial to highway safety contrary to policies EN1 and T2 of the Sevenoaks Allocations and Development Management Plan.
The meeting was adjourned for a brief comfort break for the convenience of Members and Officers at 8.35pm. The meeting reconvened at 8.45pm |
21/02825/FUL - Tonys Corner Shop, 18 Cedar Drive, Edenbridge KENT TN8 5JL PDF 1 MB Creation of seven off-street car parks; the erection of 13 dwellings; an extended replacement to the existing shop and associated landscaping improvements and creation of temporary shop Minutes: The proposal sought planning permission for creation of seven off-street car parks; the erection of 13 dwellings; an extended replacement to the existing shop and associated landscaping improvements and creation of a temporary shop. The application had been referred to the Committee as the applicant is Sevenoaks District Council.
Members’ attention was brought to the main agenda papers and late observation sheet. The Committee was addressed by the following speakers:
Members asked questions of clarification from the officer. It was confirmed that none of the trees had TPOs and that the proposal provided landscaping improvements. The proposal would also provide 311 spaces to be available daily. It was also confirmed by the officer that there was a condition for details on the phasing of the development to be submitted. It was moved by the Chairman and duly seconded that the recommendations within the report and late observations, be agreed. Members discussed the application. The motion was put to the vote and it was Resolved: That planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions 1) The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. In pursuance of section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2) The materials to be used in the construction of the residential development shall be those indicated on the approved plans: A983-01B-PL-120 rev D, A983-01B-PL-121 rev C, A983-01C-PL-120 rev C, A983-01C-PL-121-C, A983-01F-PL-120 rev B, A983-01F-PL-121 rev B. To ensure that the appearance of the development is in harmony with the existing character of the area as supported by Policy EN1 of the Sevenoaks Allocations and Development Management Plan. 3) The hard and soft landscaping, hereby approved, shall be carried out in accordance with the landscaping plans and planting schedules, reference numbers: Site 10 Planting Schedule, 5469 LLB ZZ E6 DR L 001 rev P03, 5469 LLB ZZ E6 DR L 0002 P03, 5469 LLB ZZ E10 DR L 0001 P02, 5469 LLB ZZ E11 DR L 0001 P02, 5469 LLB ZZ E11 DR L 0002 P02, 5469 LLB ZZ E3 DR L 0002 P03, 5469 LLB ZZ E3 DR L0001 P03, 5469 LLB ZZ E7 DR L 0001 P02, 5469 LLB ZZ E7 DR L 0002 P02, 5469 LLB ZZ ZZ DR L 0001 P02, 5469 LLB ZZ ZZ DR L 0002 P02 and Masterplan 5469 LLB ZZ ZZ DR L 0001 P06. To ensure that the appearance of the development is in harmony with the existing character of the area as supported by Policy EN1 of the Sevenoaks Allocations and Development Management Plan. 4) All planting, seeding or turfing approved shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding season following the occupation of the development or the completion of the development, whichever is the sooner. Any trees or plants which, within a period of five years after planting, are removed, die or become seriously ... view the full minutes text for item 70. |
21/03526/FUL - Tonys Corner Shop, 18 Cedar Drive, Edenbridge KENT TN8 5JL PDF 1 MB Provision of a temporary shop unit to be used in lieu of the existing for a period of 3 years. Minutes: The proposal sought planning permission for the provision of a temporary shop unit to be used in lieu of the existing for a period of 3 years.
The application had been referred to the Committee as the applicant is Sevenoaks District Council.
Members’ attention was brought to the main agenda papers. There were no public speakers registered for this item. Members asked questions of clarification from the speakers and officer. It was moved by the Chairman and duly seconded that the recommendations within the report, be agreed. Members discussed the application it was moved and duly seconded that condition 1 be amended to read: ‘after no more than 3 years.’ The motion was put to the vote and it was agreed. Debate continued on the substantive motion. The substantive motion was put to the vote and it was Resolved: That planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions 1) The temporary container hereby approved shall be removed and the land returned to its former condition after three years. In order to preserve the character and appearance of the existing street scene in accordance with policy SP1 of the Sevenoaks District Core Strategy and Policy EN1 of the ADMP and accordance with the guidance outlined within the NPPF. 2) The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans and details: Proposed elevation plan - PL220, Proposed site Plan - A983-01C-PL-211, Proposed block plan - A983-01C-PL- 211 and the Planning statement received 21/10/21. For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning. 3) No use of the premises, works or associated activities including deliveries, loading, unloading, servicing, vehicle parking or the manoeuvring of vehicles shall be carried out outside of the hours between 07:00 am and 19:00 pm Monday to Saturday, and between 07:00 am and 14:00 pm Sundays and Bank Holidays. To safeguard the amenity of the area and safeguard the amenities of nearby residential developments as supported by Policies EN1 and EN2 of the Sevenoaks Allocations and Development Management Plan.
It was moved by the Chairman that, in accordance with rule 16.1 Part 2 of the Constitution, Members extend the meeting beyond 10.30 p.m. to enable the Committee to complete all the business on the agenda. The motion was put to the vote and it was agreed. |
21/03404/FUL - Appleby, 3 Greenhill Road, Otford KENT TN14 5RR PDF 795 KB Demolition of existing dwelling, erection of 2 detached 5 bed dwellings with associated outbuildings, access and landscaping (phased development). Minutes: The proposal sought planning permission for demolition of existing dwelling, erection of 2 detached 5 bed dwellings with associated outbuildings, access and landscaping (phased development).
The application had been referred to the Committee by Cllr Roy due to concerns about the impact on the street scene, the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and residential amenities. Members’ attention was brought to the main agenda papers. The Committee was addressed by the following speakers:
Members asked questions of clarification from the speakers and officer. It was moved by the Chairman and duly seconded that the recommendations within the report, be agreed. Members discussed the application, and some concerns were raised that the development would be inappropriate due to its scale and bulk in comparison to others in the area. Concerns were also raised that it did not comply with the Otford Village design statement. The motion to grant planning permission was put to the vote and it was lost. It was moved and duly seconded that planning permission be refused due to the development’s bulk, scale and height, contrary to the ADMP and Otford Village Design Statement. The motion was put to the vote and it was Resolved: That planning permission be refused on the following grounds The proposed bulk, scale and height of the development would be visually obtrusive and would fail to respect the spacious character of the built form within the local area. As such the proposal is contrary to policies EN1 of the Sevenoaks Allocations and Development Management Plan and SP1 of the Sevenoaks Core Strategy and the Otford Village Design Statement.