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No. | Item |
To approve the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 18 February 2021, as a correct record.
Minutes: Resolved: That the Minutes of the Development Control Committee held on the 18 February 2021, be signed by the Chairman as a correct record. |
Declarations of Interest or Predetermination Including any interests not already registered Minutes: Councillor Raikes declared for Minute 161 - 20/03476/FUL, 136 High Street, Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 1XA, and Minute 162 - 20/03289/HOUSE, Riftwood, Oak Avenue, Sevenoaks Kent TN13 1PR that as a member of the Sevenoaks Town Council Planning Committee he had looked at the applications but would remain open minded. Furthermore, he declared he had chaired a committee relating to the local list but would remain open minded.
Councillor Hogarth declared for Minute 161 - 20/03476/FUL, 136 High Street, Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 1XA, and Minute 162 - 20/03289/HOUSE, Riftwood, Oak Avenue, Sevenoaks Kent TN13 1PR that as a member of the Sevenoaks Town Council Planning Committee he had looked at the applications but would remain open minded. Furthermore, he declared he had had some input in Minute 161 - 20/03476/FUL, 136 High Street, Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 1XA, in his capacity as Commissioner for the Public Ream, but would remain open minded.
Councillor Hunter declared that for Minute 162 - 20/03289/HOUSE, Riftwood, Oak Avenue, Sevenoaks Kent TN13 1PR, she would be addressing the Committee as the local ward member, and leave the meeting for the debate.
Declarations of Lobbying Minutes: All Councillors present declared that they had been lobbied in respect of: Minute 161 - 20/03476/FUL, 136 High Street, Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 1XA; Minute 162 - 20/03289/HOUSE, Riftwood, Oak Avenue, Sevenoaks Kent TN13 1PR; and Minute 160 - TPO 7 of 2020, located on land to the south of Waystrode Cottages, Spode Lane, Cowden.
Councillor Williamson declared that he had been lobbied in respect of Minute 163 - 20/03261/FUL - Land North of Cherry Tree Cottage, Main Road, Knockholt Kent TN14 7LH. |
CHANGE IN ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS With the agreement of the Committee, the Chairman brought forward consideration of the Tree Preservation Order. |
TPO 7 of 2020 - Located on land to the south of Waystrode Cottages, Spode Lane, Cowden. PDF 254 KB TPO 7 of 2020 was served to protect the remaining deciduous species located on this land. Minutes: The Assistant Aboricultural Officer brought Members’ attention to the main agenda papers. TPO 7 of 2020 was served to protect the remaining deciduous species located on land to the south of Waystrode Cottages, Spode Lane, Cowden.
Resolved: That TPO 7 of 2020 be confirmed without amendment. |
RESERVED PLANNING APPLICATIONS The Committee considered the following planning applications: |
20/03476/FUL - 136 High Street, Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 1XA PDF 1 MB Demolition of existing buildings and re-development to provide 104 no. apartments (use class 3) and 931 sq m of retail/commercial uses (use class e) across 3 blocks of 4-6 storeys with undercroft car parking, servicing, access and associated highway works, landscaping and boundary treatments. Minutes: The proposal sought planning permission for the demolition of existing buildings and re-development to provide 104 no. apartments (use class 3) and 931 sq m of retail/commercial uses (use class e) across 3 blocks of 4-6 storeys with undercroft car parking, servicing, access and associated highway works, landscaping and boundary treatments. The application had been referred to Development Control Committee by the Chief Planning & Regulatory Services Officer due to the applications significance. Members’ attention was brought to the main agenda papers and late observation sheet which amended Recommendation A and recommended an additional informative. In addition, the Case Officer also recommended a further amendment to Recommendation A to include the requirement of an archaeological watching brief condition (Condition 26). The Committee was addressed by the following speakers: Against the Application: John Stambollouin For the Application: Paul Brailsford Parish Representative: Town Cllr Bonin Local Member: Cllr Fleming Members asked questions of clarification from the speakers and officers. Questions centred around electrical charging points, daylight/sunlight assessment in relation to the differing ground levels, parking, cladding and why there was no wheelchair accessibility in Block C where no affordable units were being offered. It was noted that: the daylight/sunlight assessment surpassed targets , and the small amount that did not meet the criteria failed by a small margin with an overall compliance rate of 79%; accessibility would be covered by the Equality Act 2010 and Building Regulations; and fire safety and cladding would also fall to Building Control. With regards to the design of the building and its impact and suitability within a market town, Members heard from the Design Officer and Design & Conservation Officer. It was moved by the Chairman and duly seconded that the recommendations within the report as amended by the late observations and the inclusion of an archaeological watching brief condition with details to be submitted, be agreed. Members discussed the application. Members considered that the provision of electric vehicle charging points should be greater and have the infrastructure for future additional charging points rather than a future of retrofits. It was moved by Councillor Barnett and duly seconded that Condition 13 be amended to reflect the need for in excess of 17 electric vehicle charging points and the infrastructure for further charging points. The amendment was put to the vote and was carried. Members continued in debate on the substantive motion. It was moved by Councillor Perry Cole and duly seconded, that a percentage of the 15 affordable units should be built to M4(3), Access to and Use of Buildings Approved Document M , Building Regulations 2010. Officers clarified the position with regards to the Building Regulations and the Equality Act 2010 provisions. It was also noted that the wording within M 4(3) was not within the Council’s own policies, and even the merging Local Plan only requested 5%. Appropriate protection would be covered by Building Regulations and enforced by Building Control, and floor plans for Block C indicated sufficient space for wheelchairs to manoeuvre. The amendment was ... view the full minutes text for item 161. |
At 9.00 p.m. the Chairman adjourned the Committee for the convenience of Members and Officers. The meeting resumed at 9.05 p.m. |
20/03289/HOUSE - Riftwood, Oak Avenue, Sevenoaks Kent TN13 1PR PDF 739 KB Erection of an annexe. Demolition of existing garage. Minutes: The proposal sought planning permission for the erection of an annexe and demolition of an existing garage. The application had been referred to Development Control Committee by Councillor Hunter on the grounds of residential amenity, over intensification and the effect on both Locally and Nationally Listed buildings, in relation to policies EN1, EN2, EN4 and the Residential Extensions SPD.
Members’ attention was brought to the main agenda papers and late observation sheet.
The Committee was addressed by the following speakers:
Against the Application: Tony Rice
For the Application: -
Parish Representative: Town Cllr Piper
Local Member: Cllr Hunter
Members asked questions of clarification from the officers focussing on why the annex was considered to be ancillary to the main dwelling, noting that Condition 5 prohibited it being used as a separate self-contained unit.
It was moved by the Chairman and duly seconded that the recommendations within the report, be agreed.
Members discussed the application, in particular the balance of opinion on the impact on the street scene, density and whether it would enhance the heritage asset, and the ancillary nature of the proposed building.
The motion was put to the vote and it was lost.
It was moved by Councillor Layland and duly seconded that the application be refused on the grounds of residential amenity, over intensification and the effect on both Locally and Nationally Listed buildings, in relation to policies EN1, EN2, EN4 and the Residential Extensions SPD, as set out in the main agenda papers by Councillor Hunter in her reasons for referring the application to the Committee. The Lead Officer clarified adverse impact on the character and appearance of the street scene, causing harm to residential properties and causing harm to the locally listed building. It was also noted that any reasoning based on it not being ancillary would not be advisable as could be negated by conditioning as had been proposed in the recommendation for approval.
The motion was put to the vote and it was
Resolved: That planning permission be refused on the grounds of adverse impact on the character and appearance of the street scene, harm to residential amenity and the harm on both Locally and Nationally Listed buildings, in relation to policies EN1, EN2, EN4 and the Residential Extensions SPD.
(Councillor Hunter left the meeting after speaking as the local member and before the debate of this item. Therefore she did not take part in the debate or voting thereon.) |
20/03261/FUL - Land North of Cherry Tree Cottage, Main Road, Knockholt Kent TN14 7LH PDF 810 KB Demolition of single storey garage and plant room. Conversion of existing outbuilding to provide two bedroom dwelling erection of single storey extension, creation of garden utilising part of existing garden land serving Cherry Tree Cottage and use of existing access. Minutes: The proposal sought planning permission for demolition of single storey garage and plant room. Conversion of existing outbuilding to provide two bedroom dwelling erection of single storey extension, creation of garden utilising part of existing garden land serving Cherry Tree Cottage and use of existing access. The application had been referred to Development Control Committee by Councillor Grint because the proposed development would be a backland development, which would have an adverse impact on the neighbouring properties.
Members’ attention was brought to the main agenda papers and late observation sheet which recommended an additional condition 7.
The Committee was addressed by the following speakers:
Against the Application: Bernard Holloway
For the Application: Pete Hadley
Parish Representative: -
Local Member: Cllr Grint
Members asked questions of clarification from the officers, which included what constituted backland development, the street line and why this building was not ancillary. It was noted that the overall floor space would decrease slightly by the removal of existing outbuildings.
At 10.23 p.m. it was moved by the Chairman that, in accordance with rule 16.1 Part 2 of the Constitution, Members extend the meeting beyond 10.30 p.m. to enable the Committee to complete all the business on the agenda. The motion was put to the vote and agreed.
It was moved by the Chairman and duly seconded that the recommendations within the report as amended by the late observations, be agreed.
Resolved: That planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions: 1) The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. In pursuance of section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2) The materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the development hereby permitted shall match those used on the existing building. To ensure that the appearance of the development is in harmony with the existing character of the area as supported by Policy EN1 of the Sevenoaks Allocations and Development Management Plan. 3) The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans and details: 4182-20-PL001-P5 1 of 3, 4182-20-PL001-P6 2 of 3, 4182-20-PL001-P6 3 of 3. For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning. 4) Prior to first occupation, details of two independently assessable parking spaces per dwelling shall be submitted and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The parking shall be retained on site thereafter at all times. To ensure highway safety as supported by Policy T2 of the Sevenoaks Allocations and Development Management Plan. 5) Prior to first occupation, details of an electrical vehicle charging point shall be submitted and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Details shall include a specification and location of the charging point. The electrical vehicle charging point shall remain thereafter at all times. To promote sustainable development as supported by Policy T3 of the Sevenoaks Allocations and Development Management Plan. 6) Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town ... view the full minutes text for item 163. |