Venue: This meeting will be held virtually via Zoom, and livestreamed here: View directions
Contact: Democratic Services 01732 227165 Email:
No. | Item | ||||||||
To approve the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 10 September, as a correct record.
Minutes: Resolved: That the Minutes of the Development Control Committee held on the 10 September 2020, be signed by the Chairman as a correct record. |
Declarations of Interest or Predetermination Including any interests not already registered Minutes: There were none. |
Declarations of Lobbying Minutes: There were none. |
20/01692/HOUSE - 6 Hailwood Place, School Lane, West Kingsdown, KENT, TN15 6FQ PDF 531 KB Canopy and porch to front elevation, single storey side and rear extension and two storey rear extension. Minutes: The proposal sought planning permission for a canopy and porch to front elevation, single storey side and rear extension and two storey rear extension. The application had been referred to the committee by Councillors Harrison, Fothergill, and Parkin on the basis that it would be an inappropriate development in the Green Belt and would impact the Area of the Outstanding Natural Beauty. Members’ attention was brought to the main agenda papers.
Members asked questions of clarification from officers. Following queries regarding a previous application on a neighbouring property, Members were advised that each application is assessed on its own merits. It was moved by the Chairman and duly seconded that the recommendations within the report, be agreed. Members discussed the application, including whether it made an impact on the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, and it was Resolved: That planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions: 1) The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. In pursuance of section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2) The materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the development hereby permitted shall match those used on the existing building. To ensure that the appearance of the development is in harmony with the existing character of the building as supported by Policy EN1 of the Sevenoaks Allocations and Development Management Plan. 3) The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans and details: COB/20/1048/02C For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning. |