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No. | Item |
To agree the Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 13 June 2024, as a correct record
Minutes: Resolved: That the Minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 13 June 2024, be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record. |
Declarations of interest Any interests not already registered Minutes: No additional declarations of interest were made. |
Questions from Members (maximum 15 minutes) Minutes: In response to a question received regarding Working Group Membership, the Leader advised that as far as possible he would try to ensure working groups were politically balanced. In respect of the Terms of Reference to working groups it was important that they were properly scoped and that the work undertaken was to benefit the work of the residents.
In response to a question asked regarding the Scrutiny Committee being involved to bring in different views and when considering documents that go across the Council, the Leader advised that he would respond formally, as soon as he could. |
Matters referred from Council, Audit Committee, Scrutiny Committee, CIL Spending Board or Cabinet Advisory Committees Minutes: There were none. |
Housing Allocation Policy Review Additional documents:
Minutes: The Portfolio Holder presented the report for the Draft Housing Allocation Policy 2024-25 which had been revised following the feedback from the recent consultation. Making changes to the Housing Allocations Policy required a period of consultation and the report set out the results of the consultation. The Housing Allocations Policy had been amended to reflect the changes and the draft was attached at Appendix 1.
Following discussion at the Housing & Health Advisory Committee, it was requested that the definition of ‘suitable accommodation’ be clarified in the policy, and was included in the following sections, One offer/refusals, right to review and housing register panel, and recommended this change be approved.
Members discussed the report. In response to discussion points, the Head of Housing advised that frequently asked questions document and a guide for the Bands would be produced, as had been done when the current Policy was implemented in 2022. The monthly Housing and Community Hub held would be themed to tie in with the launch of the Policy, to enable residents to raise any questions. Further events would be held across the District. The Head of Housing emphasised that the Housing Register Team were available to assist residents with any queries.
Public Sector Equality Duty Members noted that consideration had been given to impacts under the public sector quality duty.
Resolved: That
a) the feedback received from the consultation exercise, be noted;
b) the revised draft of the Housing Allocations Policy 2024-2027, be considered; and
c) it be recommended to Council that the Housing Allocation Policy 2024-2027, be adopted, with the inclusion of the definition of suitable accommodation. |
Local Development Scheme Update Additional documents: Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Development & Conservation presented the report which set out proposed revisions to the Local Development Scheme (LDS) timetable. The current LDS called for the Regulation 19 publication/consultation by Spring 2024, which was no longer possible. The Development & Conservation Advisory Committee thoroughly considered the report at their meeting and recommended its approval to Cabinet.
The Planning Policy Team Leader advised It was recommended to move the publication/consultation to Winter 2024, to allow time for third-party reports to be completed for the evidence base, which would inform decision making and ensure the Plan was sufficiently robust. The timetable changes would also allow for further conversations with partners such as Dartford Borough Council under the duty to co-operate, and for the Plan to respond to any changes made to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) by the new government.
Members considered the report.
Public Sector Equality Duty Members noted that consideration had been given to impacts under the Public Sector Equality Duty.
Resolved: That the proposed revision to the Local Development Scheme, be approved.
Fawkham Neighbourhood Plan 2023-2040, Regulation 16 Consultation - SDC's Representation Additional documents:
Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Development and Conservation presented the report, which set out the Council’s Response to the Fawkham Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 16 Consultation. Fawkham Parish Council were the third Parish Council in the district to develop a neighbourhood plan to this stage. The Plan covered the use of land in the parish from 2023 to 2040. The consultation ran from 6 June 2024 to 19 July 2024. The Development & Conservation Advisory Committee considered the same report and were supportive of the recommendations to Cabinet.
The Portfolio Holder further advised that as detailed within the supplementary agenda (2), there was a proposed addition to the ‘Housing’ section on Page 81 of the report packs to read: “Suggestion to commission an independent assessment of Local Housing Needs in January 2027 and every 5 years thereafter, since Local Housing Needs Assessments have an accepted validity of 5 years’ duration. Should the Parish Council seek to develop new affordable housing under rural exceptions site policy (Core Strategy Policy H4 and emerging Plan 2040 Policy H4), evidence of unmet need identified through an independent assessment of local housing need is a prerequisite”
The Senior Planning Officer (Policy) explained that the response was from multiple teams, including Development Management, Property, and Housing fed into the Council’s response. It also considered if the plan was in conformity with the current and emerging Local Plan 2040. The teams had examined the alterations to the plan since the Regulation 14 consultation, to ensure that the Council’s comments from that stage had been adequately considered.
Members considered the report.
Public Sector Equality Duty Members noted that consideration had been given to impacts under the public sector equality duty.
Resolved: That (a) the proposed representation to the Fawkham Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 16 consultation with the inclusion of the additional text, as set out in supplementary Agenda (2); and
(b) The Development and Conservation Portfolio Holder, be delegated authority to sign off the final representation, including any amendments raised through DCAC and Cabinet.
A place-based approach to engagement Additional documents:
Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Improvement & Innovation presented the report which set out a holistic approach to developing a ‘place-based approach’ to engagement as part of the regeneration of Council owned assets within the Sevenoaks District. The Council’s property assets and the way in which they were used was key to transforming the way in which the Council, together with partners, deliver public services to meet the needs of communities. This required a more focused strategic and engagement approach across the Council’s portfolio of assets, which maximises their role in regenerating the District and supporting communities. The report had been thoroughly considered by Finance & Investment Advisory Committee, People & Places Advisory Committee and Improvement & Innovation Advisory Committee. Members were supportive of the recommendation for adoption following greater consideration of Key Performance Indicators and measurables.
The Regeneration and Property Project Manager brought Members attention to the amendments proposed in the supplementary document.
Members considered the report.
Public Sector Equality Duty Members noted that consideration had been given to impacts under the public sector equality duty.
Resolved: That a ‘place based’ approach to engagement as part of the regeneration of Council –owned assets within the Sevenoaks District, as set out within the agenda papers and supplementary document, be endorsed and adopted.
Land East of the High Street Sevenoaks Ü/Ñ Additional documents:
Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Improvement & Innovation presented the report which set out the identified opportunity to regenerate the Land to the East of Sevenoaks High Street, following the pressing need to undertake significant work to decarbonise the existing leisure centre and other buildings owned to ensure compliance with new environmental standards. Regenerating Land to the East of Sevenoaks High Street would help achieve this, whilst also helping to deliver other objectives, in line with principles and policies noted in the Council’s Communities Plan, the emerging local plan, the Neighbourhood Plan, the Economic Development Strategy and the Town Centre Strategy. The report had been thoroughly considered by Finance & Investment Advisory Committee, People & Places Advisory Committee and Improvement and Innovation Advisory Committee.
The Regeneration Development Project Manager brought to Members’ attention that this project was an opportunity to improve Sevenoaks town centre for residents and visitors. He advised that the project was in the very early state of testing the vision and early concept ideas for the site. The Council had undertaken key stakeholder and public engagement activities to seek views and feedback on these early concept ideas. Members noted that feedback received from this engagement would be used to refine the vision and clearly set development objectives and principles prior to procuring a strategic development partner. It was further explained that this feedback would feed into the Sevenoaks Town Centre masterplan work, the design brief, the invitation to tender and other associated procurement documents, and the evaluation criteria to be used for the appointment of the strategic development partner.
Further key stakeholder and public engagement consultation exercises would be undertaken once the strategic development partner had been selected and the LLP established, as the project progressed and more details emerged.
Members noted the comments received from the Finance and Investment, People and Places and Improvement and Innovation Advisory Committees. They considered the supplementary document which detailed the revisions to the main report as it progressed through the Advisory Committees. Members further considered the report of the Finance & Investment Advisory Committee Working Group.
The Portfolio Holder for Finance and Investment expressed his thanks to the Member Working Group and the officers for their work.
Public Sector Equality Duty Members noted that consideration had been given to impacts under the public sector equality duty.
Resolved: That
(b) it be recommended to Council to approve the recommendations set out below (recommendations to Council (i) to (iiii)); and (i) the development approach outlined in the report to deliver a mixed use scheme in collaboration with Kent County Council and to establish an appropriate special purpose vehicle and other arrangements between the two Councils and a Strategic Development Partner(s) be approved;
Reusable Recycling Sacks Update Additional documents: Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Cleaner & Greener presented the report which updated Members on the current domestic waste and recycling collection service for recycling and the agreed process for the introduction of reusable recycling sacks for life across the district which would be rolled out from September. A cross departmental officer project group to manage all aspects of the reusable recycling sacks rollout had been set up and a full communication plan to ensure residents were ready for the new arrangements, and the importance of increasing recycling rates and bringing down household residual waste. The Cleaner & Greener Advisory Committee had considered the same report and supported its recommendation. Members discussed the report. In response to questions, the Head of Direct Services advised that clear recycling bags would still be collected if there was more recyclable waste than the reusable recycling sacks would hold. However, the sacks were 190L which was the equivalent to around three bags. Any other bags used had to be clear so the crews could check for any contaminated waste. The crews would still be checking the new sacks as they would have to open the sacks before being tipped and so a check for any cross contamination would be carried out. Resolved: That the report be noted.
Domestic Waste and Recycling Update Additional documents:
Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Cleaner & Greener presented the report, which updated Members on the current and future domestic waste and recycling challenges and proposed a number of new opportunities for the District. It was vital that the Council actively planned to change and improve weekly waste collection services, due to the Government regulations to deliver on its environmental targets. The priority was to increase efforts to recycle more and lower black residual waste, which was key to deliver greater value to taxpayers, as well as working towards the climate change ambitions. The Cleaner & Greener Advisory Committee had considered the same report and subject to small amendments, supported the recommendation to Cabinet. Public Sector Equality Duty Members noted that consideration had been given to impacts under the Public Sector Equality Duty.
Resolved: That a) an internal desktop review, exploring service opportunities, costs and increasing recycling rates for new waste collection options that include food and glass collection, be undertaken;
b) a waste & recycling resident’s survey, following the roll out of the new reusable recycling sacks, be undertaken in 2025;
fair use waste rules and education to help reduce
residual waste where excessive and constant high volumes of waste
were presented, be developed;
a new booking system and review of the fee to
reflect the service offered for garden wastepaper sacks, be
legal advice on the new requirements of the
Environment Act 2021 on other waste collection opportunities under
the legislation, be obtained; and f) a Cleaner & Greener Advisory Committee working group be set up with a Membership of Cllrs. Bayley (Chairman), Alger, Clack, Manston, Roy, and Cllr Horwood (consultative member), with the terms of reference as set out in the agenda pack.
Interim leisure operator- update Additional documents:
Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for People & Places presented the report which provided an update on the performance from October 2023 to March 2024 for the interim contract relating to the Edenbridge and Sevenoaks Leisure Centres and Lullingstone Park Golf Course. It was highlighted to Members that key achievements included the ‘grab and go’ food and drink service and the soft play area at Sevenoaks Leisure Centre, as well as a steady increase in memberships, which took the levels to equal or above Sencio’s peak in January 2023. Key challenges during the period included the very wet winter which caused flooding not only at Lullingstone Park Golf Course but also the access routes to it. Members noted that Everyone Active had proactively introduced dynamic pricing for pay and play at the course, which promoted quiet periods during the spring / summer season to improve usage and therefore income over the dryer months. Members discussed the report
Resolved: That the performance of Everyone Active in providing leisure facilities and services for the community and visitors of Sevenoaks District for the period 2 October 2023 to 31 March 2024, be noted.
IMPLEMENTATION OF DECISIONS This notice was published on 22 July 2024. The decisions contained in Minute 17,18,20, and 22 take effect immediately. The decisions contained in Minute 16,19 (part), and 21 take effect on 30 July 2024. The decisions contained in Minutes 15, and 19 (part) are references to Council. |