Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Argyle Road, Sevenoaks. View directions

No. Item


Appointment of Chairman and Vice-Chairman for the municipal year


Councillor Mrs Davison proposed and Councillor Mrs Bracken seconded that Councillor Peter Fleming be appointed Chairman.


Resolved that Councillor Peter Fleming be appointed Chairman for the 2012/2013 municipal year.


Declarations of interest.


There were no declarations of interest.


Procedures for Appointment of Chief Executive

Information to be tabled at the meeting.


The Human Resources Manager circulated the time line for appointment.  Members noted that interviews for the position of Chief Executive would take place on the afternoon of Tuesday 6th November 2012 with the Appointment Committee’s recommendation being presented to Full Council on 7th November 2012.


The appointment process would consist of three elements:


-          Application form

-          Presentation

-          Interview


Each element would be weighted and there would be a scoring mechanism for each element to ensure that the process was consistent.


The application pack would be circulated to all members of the Appointments Committee once the pack had been finalised.  Once the applications had been received all the relevant information would be circulated to Committee Members by the Democratic Services Team.


The Chairman reported that once the job profile had been finalised it would be circulated to all Members for information.


Resolved that the procedures for appointment of Chief Executive be approved.


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