Issue - meetings

Community Grant Scheme 2022/23

Meeting: 17/03/2022 - Cabinet (Item 89)

89 Community Grant Scheme 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 73 KB

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The Portfolio Holder for People & Places presented the report which set out the Community Grant Scheme and summarised applications received by the Council from voluntary organisations for funding during 2022/23. The People & Places Advisory Committee had also considered the same report and suggested a review of the scheme and its guidelines going forward. The Committee supported the recommendation.


Members considered that the Council’s Community Grant Scheme supported local charities and voluntary sector organisations that, through their work, contributed to the priorities set out in the Community Plan. In 2021/22, the grants awarded through the Community Grant Scheme enabled voluntary organisations to support 80,377 volunteer hours in the Sevenoaks District, which represented an economic benefit of £1.53 million. The grants had not decreased from the previous year.


Public Sector Equality Duty

Members noted that consideration had been given to impacts under the Public Sector Equality Duty.


Resolved: That the Grants, as set out in Appendix C of the report be approved, subject to the conditions as set out in paragraph 12 of the report below:


·         That performance indicators as set out in the application forms are adhered to and monitored;

·         That appropriate Safeguarding policies and arrangements are in place, where necessary;

·         That appropriate recognition of this Council’s funding contribution is made in all their publicity; and

·         Where services are provided over a wider area than the District boundaries, organisations will be required to hold grant aid from this Council in a restricted fund for the benefit of Sevenoaks District residents;

·         That organisations funded either have or are working towards any quality accreditation.



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