Establishing a Community Lottery
Meeting: 30/11/2021 - People & Places Advisory Committee (Item 30)
30 Establishing a Community Lottery PDF 283 KB
Additional documents:
- 08 Community Lottery Appendix A FINAL OCT, item 30
PDF 157 KB
- 08 Community Lottery Appendix B FINAL OCT, item 30
- 08 Community Lottery Appendix C FINAL OCT, item 30
PDF 255 KB
The Community Projects and Funding Officer presented the report which outlined proposals to introduce a Community Lottery. A society lottery of the type proposed in the report has been successfully implemented by many other local authorities. The Community Lottery would focus on delivering proceeds locally, maximising benefits to the community, minimising the costs so the scheme was largely self-financing, delivering winners locally.
A partnership with an existing deliverer of lotteries in the market place known as an External Lottery Manager was included in the proposal. Their responsibilities included managing the prize fund and associated insurance, providing marketing materials and conducting the draw. The Council would not handle any transactions other than receiving its share of the income on a monthly basis.
Sevenoaks District based charities, clubs, associations and societies are all groups that would be eligible to register as a local good cause with the Community Lottery provided they meet the terms and conditions.
Members made comments and asked questions about the cost of marketing, the projects the fund could support, the composition of the Local Strategic Partnership and comparisons with other budgets. The Community Projects and Funding Officer set out the details requested, which were also included in the report. Members also expressed their views relating to the safeguards in place to prevent excessive gambling and the Officer clarified the measures which would be put in place, including a limit on ticket numbers.
A Member expressed further concerns about the Council being considered as promoting a form of gambling. The Deputy Chief Executive and Chief Officer for People & Places responded and noted the views of the Member, including those relating to experience at an adjacent Local Authority.
Other Members expressed their support for the scheme and highlighted that it was about raising money to help local charities. It was argued that no project would be risk free but that it was a good idea for the Community Lottery to be approved.
The Portfolio Holder for People & Places spoke on the item in support and indicated the engagement with the District’s Voluntary Sector Forum would help ensure the project’s success.
Public Sector Equality Duty
Members noted that consideration had been given to impacts under
the Public Sector Equality Duty.
Resolved: That it be recommended to Cabinet that
a) the establishment of a local community lottery, be approved;
b) the use of an External Lottery Manager that has worked with other Local Authorities running similar schemes for greater assurance, be approved;
c) the eligibility criteria for good causes to participate in the Sevenoaks District Lottery, be approved;
d) with delegated authority given to Deputy Chief Executive & Chief Officer – People & Places and Deputy Chief Executive & Chief Officer – Finance & Trading to negotiate and finalise the agreement, the appoint of an External Lottery Manager, be approved; and
e) in order to demonstrate best practice and to provide access to free membership services on legal and compliance issues, the Council’s membership of the Lotteries Council, be authorised.