Library home - Decisions - Portfolio Holder - 2013-2014 - 2013-2014
- 01 - Affordable Housing agreement of proposals for spending financial contributions 2013 - 14
- 02 - Council's response to the Government's community Infrastructure Levy: Further Reforms consultation
- 03 - Big Community Fund
- 04 - Signing of the Armed Forces Community Covenant agreement
- 05 - Big Community Fund
- 06 - Big Community Fund
- 07 - Purchase of two refuse freighters
- 08 - To adopt a sustainable Community Letting Policy
- 09 - To accept the tender from Haynes of Maidstone for three Chelsea type vehicles
- 10 - Agreement of responses to DEFRA.
- 11 - To approve the Council's response to the Communities and Local Government New Homes Bonus and Local Growth Fund
- 12 - To adopt a sustainable community letting policy for sheltered affordable housing scheme at Bonney Way
- 13 - Big Community Fund
- 14 - Big Community Fund
- 15 - Proposed response to Southeastern's consultation on the 'Direct Award' franchise
- 16 - Proposed response to the Airports Commission's consultation on long-term capacity proposal
- 17 - To approve the designation of Neighbourhood Plan Areas for Chevening and Hextable
- 18 - SDC's response to Kent County Council's consultation on the future of Children's Centres in the District
- 19 - To respond in support to the consultation of the High Weald AONB Management Plan draft review
- 20 - To respond in support to the consultation of Kent Downs AONB Management Plan draft review
- 21 - To approve the content of a resident telephone survey to be run across the District
- 22 - Delegations of Functions be made for the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013
- 23 - To use £50,000 from the Housing Benefit Subsidy Reserve to address pressures on the Benefits Service
- 24 - To approve free parking after 5pm on 28 November in Westerham and after 6pm on 29 November in Sevenoaks Town Centre
- 25 - To agree refuse collection arragements for 2013/14 Christmas & New Year
- 26 - Technical Consultation on the Council's local council tax support scheme
- 28 - Schedule of Minor Modifications to Allocations and Development Plan
- 29 - To approve the designation of Neighbourhood Plan areas for Sevenoaks and Otford for the areas proposed
- 30 - Big Community Fund
- 31 - To publish the Authority Monitoring Report
- 32 - Selling Price of LDF Submission Documents to the Public
- 33 - To serve notice upon Rural Age Concern Darent Valley to vacate the premises at 27-37 High Street, Swanley by 31 Mar
- 34 - To approve a grant of £27,000 (from S106 affordable housing planning gains) to undertake refurbishment of a further
- 35 - Big Community Fund
- 36 - To approve a Sevenoaks District Intermediate Housing Allocations Policy
- 37 - To approve changing the Buckhurst 2 Car Park Sevenoaks to long stay only Mondays to Fridays
- 38 - To send the proposed response to the London Airspace Consultation
- 39 - To send the proposed response to the Stage 2 Night Flights Consultation
- 40 - Big Community Fund
- 41 - Approval of Business Rate Discretionary Relief and Hardship Relief Guidelines
- 42 - To approve the Councils response to the Department for Transports Consultation on Local Authority Parking
- 43 - To agree the Vehicle Replacement Programme for 201415
- 44 - To serve a revised notice upon Rural Age Concern Darent Valley to vacate premises
- 45 - Business Area Improvement Fund Guidelines be agreed for use
- 46 - Approval of Council Tax Discretionary Reductions Guidelines
- 47 - Big Community Fund
- 48 - Approval of Business Rates Retail Relief Guidelines
- 49 - Further Alterations to the London Plan (FALP) consultation
- 50 - That the Cash Collection Contract with Contract Security Services Ltd be extended for 12 months from 10 January 15
- 51 - Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan 2013-2030
- 52 - Big Community Fund Appraisal April 2014
- 53 - Phase 2 of the Small is Beautiful under-occupation project and joint funding of Under Occupation Officer post
- 54 - Sevenoaks DC response to CLG Consultation on Planning Performance and Planning Contributions
- 55 - Public consultation dates amendments printed documents price for GT Site Options Document
- 56 - Business Flood Support Scheme 2014