Library home - Decisions - Portfolio Holder - 2024-2025
- 01 - Housing Delivery Test Action Plan (HDTAP) 2023
- 02 - Sevenoaks District Council Productivity Plan
- 03 - Approval of S106 Affordable Housing pot monies for the Council's 5 year programme of local housing needs surveys
- 04 - Authority for Chief Officer of People and Places to sign all agreements for hospital discharge service
- 05 - To approve a Local Lettings and Sales Plan for the former Salts Farm Depot
- 06 - Sevenoaks District Intermediate Housing Protocol
- 07 - West Kent Housing Association - Deed of Variation of a Transfer Contract dated 17 March 1989
- 08 - Approval of the formal SDC response to the MHCLG Consulation - Proposed reforms to NPPF changes to Planning
- 09 - Kent County Council (KCC) Local Transport Plan 5 Consultation Response
- 10 - Updated Planning Validation Checklists
- 11 - CIL funding award - Sevenoaks Indoor Bowls Club
- 12 - Southern Waters Water Resources Management Plan
- 13 - Allocation of 106 monies to WKHA under LAHF 3