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01 Approval of designation of the Neighbourhood Plan Area for Badgers Mount
02 Approval of designation of the Neighbourhood Plan Area for Halstead
03 Approval of designation of the Neighbourhood Plan Area for Shoreham
04 Restricting exit payments in the public sector: Government consultation on implementation of regulations
05 Annual Vehicle Replacement Programme
06 Approval of privately owned property for consideration under the Kent Syrian Vulnerable Persons Relocation Scheme
07 Funding the management of the Sevenoaks District Housing Register (SDHR) Service
08 The Supply of Compostable Paper Garden Waste Collection Sacks for the fortnightly Household Garden Waste Collection S
09 Local Lettings Plan for The Mallards Cherry Avenue-St Mary's Lane Swanley
10 Commercial Vehicle Tyre Tender
11 - Housing Delivery Action Plan
12 - Property Investment Strategy - Acquisition of Property
13 - Establishment of a Single Commissioning Group for Kent and Medway
14 - NHS Urgent Care Services in Dartford Gravesham and Swanley
15 Approval of privately owned property for consideration under the Kent Syrian Vulnerable Persons Relocation Scheme
16 Approval of a privately owned property for consideration under the Kent Syrian Vulnerable Persons Relocation Scheme (
17 s106 funding for Margaret Hyde Almshouses Charity
18 s106 funding for Penshurst Almshouses
19 ASDA London Road Swanley
20 Consultation on the changing Medway Flood Act to allow a greater extent of floor water to be stored at the Leigh Floo
21 Minor Amendment to the Sevenoaks District Housing Allocations Policy
22 Supply of sacks for the collection of household mixed dry recycling and household residual waste from kerbside
23 Contract to supply on-street parking enforcement services to Tandridge District Council in the County of Surrey
24 Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) COVID-19 Review June 2020
25 Approval of Section 106 Affordable Housing Developer Contributions to fund a programme of rural housing needs surveys
26 - Authority Monitoring Report 201819
27 Approval of a privately owned property for consideration under the Kent Syrinan Vulnerable Persons Relocation Scheme
28 Housing Delivery Test Action Plan
29 Changes to the current planning system SDC response
30 Local Lettings Plan for 1A and 1B Gilchrest Cottages Sevenoaks Weald
31 31 Sevenoaks Housing Policy Amendments
32 Altering the discretionary grant maximum associated with the Council's Private Sector Housing Assistance Policy (2022
33 To reallocate a sum of affordable housing gains to support delivery of another project
34 To agree a s106 affordable housing planning gains spending proposal to continue to fund the Private Sector Landlord S
35 'Supporting Housing Delivery and Public Service Infrastructure' Government Consultation
36 Agreement of cooperation
37 Affordable housing gains spending proposal
38 Approval of designation of the Neighbourhood Plan Area for Hartley
39 Approval of designation of the Neighbourhood Plan Area for Fawkham
40 - Draft of the Kent Rail Strategy