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- 01 - Supply of Single Use Plastic Sacks for Households from Kerbside
- 02 - Dunbrik Depot Workshop Roof Alterations Tender Award
- 03 - KCC Consultation on Local Bus Services
- 04 - Contract for design and print of In Shape
- 05 - Sevenoaks District Intermediate Housing Policy
- 06 - Improvement works to almshouses
- 07 - Property Investment Strategy Suffolk House
- 08 - Response to Government Consultation on proposed changes to the Transparency Code 2015
- 09 - Redesignation of Sheltered Housing Stock
- 10 - Charging for Enviromental Health re-rating inspections
- 11 - Planning gains to continue funding Private Sector Lettings Scheme
- 12 - Planning gains to continue funding Accredited Tenants Scheme
- 13 - Off-Street Parking Places (Hollybush Recreation Ground and Council Offices)
- 14 Funding to recommision the District Councils partner rural housing enabler for 2017-18
- 15 - Write off of Housing Benefit Overpayments
- 16 - Write off of Council Tax Debts
- 17 Kent Consortium Cash Collection Contract
- 18 Use of On-street parking surplus ring fenced reserve
- 19 - Westerham and Sevenoaks Christmas Light Switch On
- 20 - Kent Waste Disposal Strategy 2017-2035 Consultation
- 21 - Funding to commission a housing needs study for the Sevenoaks District
- 22 - KCC Local Transport Plan 4 Consultation Response
- 23 - Councils updated Severe Weather Emergency Protocol for Rough Sleepers
- 24 - SDC response to KCC consultation Your life your wellbeing for Adult Social Care
- 25 - SDC response to KCC consultation on Adults with Autism in Kent 5 year strategy
- 26 - Response to APPG Inquiry
- 27 - Improvement works to Almhouses
- 28 - Building Regulation Fees - Annual Review
- 29 - Annual Vehicle Replacement Programme
- 30 - Property Investment Strategy - Acquisition of Property 96 High Street Sevenoaks
- 31 - Write Off of Housing Benefit Overpayment
- 32 - Fees and Charges - Bradbourne Car Park
- 33 - Acquisition of 26-28 Pembroke Road
- 34 - Authority Monitoring Report
- 35 - Local Lettings plan between Sevenoaks District Housing Town and Country Housing Group for development at Mill Lane
- 36 - Property Investment Strategy - Acceptance of Options to acquire residential property