Library homeConstitution of Sevenoaks District Council
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- 01 - Constitution - Table of Contents
- 02 - Part 1 - Summary and Explanation
- 03 - Part 2 - The Council and District Council Members
- 04 - Part 3 - Standards Committee
- 05 - Part 4 - Executive
- 06 - Part 5 - Scrutiny Function
- 07 - Part 6 - Audit Committee
- 08 - Part 7 - Development Management Committtee
- 09 - Part 8 - Licensing Committee
- 10 - Part 9 - Governance Committee
- 11 - Part 10 - Appointments Committee
- 12 - Part 11 - Health Liaison Board
- 13 - Part 12 - Homelessness Review Board
- 14 - Part 13 - Officer Responsibilities and Delegations
- 17 - Glossary of Terms
- 18 - Appendix A - Access to Information Procedure Rules
- 19 - Appendix B - Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules
- 20 - Appendix C - Scrutiny Committee Procedure Rules
- 21 - Appendix D - Financial Procedure Rules
- 22 - Appendix E - Contracts Procedure Rules
- 23 - Appendix F - The Councils Policy Framework
- 24 - Appendix G - Members Allowance Scheme
- 25 - Appendix H - Membership of Council Committee Cabinet and Advisory Committees
- 26 - Appendix I - Code of Conduct for Employees
- 27 - Appendix J - Protocol on Councillor and Officer Relations
- 28 - Appendix K - Protocol on Gifts and Hospitality
- 29 - Appendix L - Protocol on Outside Representation from Kent County Council
- 30 - Appendix M - Officer Employment Procedure Rules
- 31 - Appendix N - Development Management Protocol
- 32 - Appendix O - Disclosable Pecuniary Interest Form
- 33 - Appendix P - Protocol of Overview and Scrutiny Inter-Authority Co-Operation
- 34 - Appendix Q - Members Code of Conduct
- 35 - Appendix R - Cabinet Advisory Committees
- 36 - Appendix S - Arrangements for Code of Conduct Complaints
- 37 - Appendix S - Arrangements for Code of Conduct Complaints - Annexe 1 - Criteria for Assessment
- 38 - Appendix S - Arrangements for Code of Conduct Complaints - Annexe 2 - Investigation Procedure
- 39 - Appendix S - Arrangements for Code of Conduct Complaints - Annexe 3 - Hearing Procedure
- 40 - Appendix S - Arrangements for Code of Conduct Complaints - Annexe 4 - Complaint Form
- 41 - Appendix T - The Granting of Dispensations
- 42 - Appendix U - Scheme of Delegation of Executive Functions
- 43 - Appendix V - Independent Person Procedure
- 44 - Appendix W - Guidance of Disclosure of Confidential Inforamtion by Members
- 45 - Appendix X1 - Community Infrastructure Levy Spending Board
- 45 - Appendix X2 - Joint Transportation Board
- 46 - Appendix Y - Petition Scheme
- 47 - Appendix Z1 - Protocol on Reporting Meetings
- 48 - Appendix Z2 - Protocol on Webcasting and Electronic Voting