Agenda item

17/02569/FUL - Car Park site adjacent to Horizon House , Azalea Drive, Swanley BR8 8HY

Redevelopment of the existing car park site at Horizon House to provide two separate residential blocks comprising of 31 units (14 x 1 beds and 17x 2 beds), including associated car parking, cycle and refuse storage and landscaping.


The proposal sought planning permission for the redevelopment of the existing carpark site at Horizon House to provide two separate residential blocks comprising 31 units (14 x 1 beds and 17 x 2 beds), including associated car parking, cycle and refuse storage and landscaping. The application had been referred to the Development Control Committee by Councillor Searles to consider the impact of the development on highways and parking, and the amenities of the surroundings.


Members’ attention was brought to the main agenda papers and the late observations, which recommended an additional informative.


The Committee was addressed by the following speakers:


Against the Application:   Ann Hallam (local resident)

For the Application:         Rupert Litherland (Agent)

Parish Representative:     Paul Darrington (Town Councillor)

Local Member:                 Councillor. Clare Barnes


Members asked questions of clarification from the speakers and officers. The applicant responded to questions related to access to the carpark and private garages. Officers clarified the evidence base used to work out parking provision and gave insight into privacy measures proposed in the planning application.


It was moved by the Chairman and duly seconded that the recommendations within the report as amended by the late observations, be agreed.


Members discussed at length the issues of over-intensification of the housing development and allocated parking provision. Issues were raised around the sustainability of houses with no parking provision. Members thought about how parking would be affected by the application with both resident parking and the impact of construction workforce parking being examined. Concern was expressed as to the accuracy of the statistics which informed the report on residential parking issues. Some anxiety was expressed in relation to over intensification in the area which was noted to be much higher that the desired amount before considering the current planning application.


The suitability of the height and design of the buildings were considered in relation to the current architecture of the town. Members discussed privacy implications for current residents and concerns were raised around the overlooking of neighbouring properties. An interest was indicated in ensuring access was maintained to the private garages which fell within the boundaries of the proposed application. Drainage implications were also considered with Members making reference to current drainage issues around Horizon House.


It was also acknowledged that the application was in a sustainable and brownfield location and its completion could support business in the area.


The motion to grant planning permission was put to the vote and it was lost.


It was moved by Councillor Horwood and duly seconded that planning permission be refused on the grounds of insufficient parking and the failure to demonstrate appropriate measures had been taken. Privacy concerns, over intensification of the site and a negative and out of character effect on the landscape of the town were also cited. Officers advised that, if minded, these concerns could be covered by policies EN1, EN2, SP1, SP7 and T2, with precise wording being delegated to the Chief Planning Officer following consultation with the Chairman and local members.


The motion was put to the vote and it was


Resolved: That


a)    planning permission be refused on the grounds of being contrary to EN1, EN2 and T2 or the ADMP and SP1 and SP7 of the Core Strategy; and


b)   the Chief Planning Officer be delegated authority to prepare the precise wording for the decision notice, following consultation with the Chairman of the committee and local ward councillors.



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