Agenda item

How planning policy fits in with health (brainstorming)


Members received a presentation from the Strategic Planning Manager to facilitate their brainstorming session to consider how planning policy fits in with health. 

The Housing Policy Manager reported that the consultation on the recently commissioned  housing study (from the consultants, arc4 ltd) to provide detailed commentary on the housing needs identified in the Strategic Housing Market Assessment ( SHMA 2015), had closed that day.   Around 8,600 responses had been received which reflected about 18% which was a good result for this type of survey.  Prior to the findings of the study being presented to the Committee in February, there would be a stakeholder information event on Wednesday 11 January from 10am to 12 Noon.  A Member requested that consideration be given to an evening event for those that could not make a daytime one.


Action 1:  That the Housing Policy Manager explore the possibility of an evening stakeholder event.


In response to a question he advised that prefabricated buildings were currently being discussed with an almshouse charity as part of a wider complex. 

Following the information provided, Members shared their thoughts.  Brief notes of the brainstorming session are listed below.





Take forward by (who)


Take forward by (when)


Ways to protect the number of 2/3 bed houses and restrict extensions



Not possible unless have a buy back clause or a housing association owns a small part




Planning policy provision to maintain safe paths and greens



Planning Policy


Local Plan timescale


Neighbourhood plans to  meet local needs



Planning Policy


As neighbourhood plans come forward


Provision for cars – they enable people to get out and about, particularly older or people with particular needs and plan for an increase in vehicles over 20 years.  A necessity in older age and for people with disabilities



Planning Policy


Local Plan timescale


Can we target mental health activities to people in their local areas.  Mental Health crisis cafes to help people before they deteriorate.  Work with local mental health organisations – perhaps use CIL budget.  Like a dementia café but for mental health



Communities & Business team


As part of the devolution 10 point check list – audit of local areas around GP surgeries


Policies to make future roads wide enough to take cars so that people don’t park on green spaces and pavements



Planning Policy


As part of the Local Plan


Air Quality.  Problem with pollution on Christchurch ward.  Has it been identified as an air quality monitoring site?



Environmental Health


Check that this is part of the Air Quality Monitoring Plan


GP provision – how do we know if the provision is sufficient to meet local needs.  CCGs need to identify needs in advance


Planning policy and CCGs


For Infrastructure plan timescale


How do we provide for schools where there is population growth?  Need discussions about the scale of new development.  Approach KCC to ensure that they are correctly forecasting school places need for the district – and that the supply is in the District rather than outside.



Planning Policy and Local Strategic Partnership – and Local Children’s Partnership




Also need to plan for the demographic needs of people who may move to the district from outside and then want to start a family – pressure on schools and other services



Housing Policy


Gavin to mention to consultants straight away


KCC already predicting a £38m deficit in education provision for growth in Swanley.  Also concerns about developments at Fort Halstead.  Statutory duty to provide.


KCC with Planning Policy



Need to get into discussions with KCC and CCGs next year when we have a better idea of the housing growth and where it will be



Planning Policy


Early 2017


BREEAM and housing standards



Planning Policy



Broadband provision in new homes.  Can we make it a planning requirement to have fibre to the premises.  We would need to develop an evidence base that would support a new policy.



Economic Development and Planning Policy


As part of the Local Plan timescale


Can developers also be required to provide main utilities rather than have to rely on eg private water supply




Planning Policy



Domestic Abuse one stop shops

Community Safety team



Taking dementia friendly forward.  West Kingsdown hoping to be the first village.



Cllr Mrs Bosley


Spring 2017


Can the Council’s trading company buy or build affordable homes.



Quercus 7



Supporting documents:


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