Agenda item

SE/14/03793/FUL - Birchwood County Primary School, Russett Way, Swanley BR8 7TP

Demolition of the former Birchwood Primary School, and the construction of 65 No. dwellings with associated infrastructure provision. As amplified by additional survey results and amended plans received 11th May 2015.



The proposal sought permission for the demolition of the former Birchwood Primary School and the construction of 65 no. dwellings with associated infrastructure provision as amplified by additional survey results and amended plans received 11 May 2015. The application was referred to the Committee at the discretion of the Chief Planning Officer.


Members’ attention was brought to the main agenda papers and the late observations sheet which proposed an additional condition under recommendation A and an amendment to recommendation B.


The Chairman advised that he had invited the Ward Members for Hextable to speak as the Local Member, even though the development was not in their ward, due to the impact the development could have on their ward. The Committee was addressed by the following speakers:


Against the Application:          Angela George

For the Application:                  Ian Mitchell

Parish Representative:                        -

Local Member:                          Cllr. Mrs. Morris


Members asked questions of clarification from the speakers and officers.


It was moved by the Chairman and duly seconded that the recommendation in the report, as amended by the late observation sheet, to grant planning permission be agreed.


There were concerns that the development would have a detrimental effect on the Green Belt including the strip of open space separating Swanley from Hextable. Members noted that the footprint of the development went beyond the footprint of the existing buildings on site.


Members discussed the limited public transport and that the development was isolated from the centre of Swanley. There was also concern that Leydenhatch Lane was narrow and would be inappropriate for accessing public transport, especially for elderly people or those who used wheelchairs.


The motion was put to the vote and it was lost.


It was moved by the Vice Chairman and duly seconded that the application be refused. The development would be inappropriate development harmful to the Green Belt, eroding its openness and detracting from the settings of Swanley and Hextable. In the absence of a legal agreement to secure affordable housing and open space provision in perpetuity, the very special circumstances failed to overcome the harm to the Green Belt. The development would also not be economically, socially or environmentally sustainable in line with paragraphs 6 to 10 of the NPPF. Two informatives to be added to explain firstly that the development could be considered by the owner on the footprint of the existing school buildings and secondly that the application was debated in the context of the upcoming proposals for a Swanley Masterplan.


The motion was put to the vote and it was


Resolved: That planning permission be refused for the following reasons:


1)    The proposed development of the site for 65 dwellings with associated infrastructure provision represents inappropriate development which by definition is harmful to the Green Belt. The proposals are therefore unacceptable in principle. Furthermore, by virtue of the scale, design, degree of development on the site and loss of open space, the proposals would be harmful to the purposes of the Green Belt, would significantly erode the openness of the Green Belt and would detract from the setting of Swanley and Hextable to the extent that they would be seriously harmful to the landscape character and setting of the urban areas in this location and to the character of this part of the Green Belt. Notwithstanding the above, without the ability to secure the proposed affordable housing in perpetuity and provision of open space within the site through completion of a legal agreement, the Very Special Circumstances advanced fail to clearly outweigh the harm identified above. The proposals would therefore be contrary to Government advice in the form of the National Planning Policy Framework, Sevenoaks District Council Core Strategy policies L01, L04, SP1, SP10 and Sevenoaks District Allocations and Development Management.


2)    The proposed development of the site for 65 houses with associated infrastructure and open space would fail to satisfactorily fulfil an economic, social or environmental role and would thus fail to represent a sustainable form of development. The proposals would thus be contrary to Government advice contained within the National Planning Policy Framework and Sevenoaks District Council Allocations and Development Management Policy SC 1.




1)     The Development Control Committee wished the applicant to note that during the debate Members considered there may be scope for less development on the site, related to the footprint of the school


2)     That the Development Control Committee discussed the application in the context of Swanley redevelopment and the proposed Masterplan.


(Cllrs. Ball, Brown and Gaywood were absent from the Chamber for a brief period at the commencement of this item and therefore took no part in the voting thereon.)


(Cllr. Parkin took no part in the debate or the voting thereon.)


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