Agenda item

Winter Maintenance


The Chairman welcomed Carol Valentine, Kent Highways Service Highway Manager for West Kent to the meeting.

Ms. Valentine explained that the existing Winter Service Policy was being updated for 2011/12. She noted that the Policy went through an internal process including being approved by the appropriate Cabinet Member. Kent Highways Services (KHS) were required to produce the Policy and its main aim was to keep the roads free from ice and snow as far as reasonably practicable. Ms. Valentine drew Members’ attention to the Winter Service Policy 2010/11 and made the following comments:

·                     The primary cautionary salting routes were prioritised into two classes. A schedule of the routes was available on the Kent County Council (KCC) website.

·                     The winter season started in mid October and continued through to mid April each year.

·                     KHS used a weather information service that was tailored toward the roads in order to receive the most accurate data available.

·                     Snow clearance issues tended to arise when there was heavy snow. Ms. Valentine highlighted, as set out in the report, the areas of first priority during a snow emergency. She also noted that last winter KHS had agreed areas, within particular districts, that would be cleared by the local authority in a snow emergency. This had been very successful and would continue in the coming winter.

·                     KHS regularly received a high number of requests for salt bins. Bins were either allocated on a scoring system and the top 60 paid for by KCC, paid for out of the local County Councillor’s Highway Fund or parish and town councils could purchase the bins which were then filled by KCC.

Members asked Ms. Valentine a number of questions which received the following responses:

·                     Liaison with district and borough councils in Kent with regard to snow clearance had helped to reduce the number of calls from the public and had received good feedback from local authorities.

·                     Guidance had been received from Government with regard to parish councils clearing footpaths following snow. This was available on KCC’s website and generally explained that so long as the conditions were not being made worse, it was unlikely that a parish council could be sued should an accident occur. However, this could not be guaranteed.

·                     It was possible for parish councils to pay KHS for filling salt bins in their areas. However, it was noted that the purchase did not guarantee that priority for filling would be given during a snow emergency.

·                     KHS would be meeting with neighbouring County authorities with regard to  overlapping winter maintenance services.

·                     KHS would continue to discuss winter services with town councils as well as parishes.

·                     The Policy was backed up by a Winter Service Plan which was due to be updated soon.

·                     Roads outside schools were not cleared outside term times. Salting of the roads was prioritised based on whether they were on a primary or secondary route. KHS was currently working with schools to ensure they also had their own winter plans.

Ms. Valentine noted that it was not possible to salt all bus routes. During a snow emergency a schedule would be posted on KCC’s website.

A Member was concerned that saline solution was not an effective alternative to salt.

Ms. Valentine noted that there were predetermined routes for agricultural services during snow emergencies. KHS also liaised with farmers to ensure they had the right equipment to manage during the winter. She asked farmers to contact KHS if they wanted to be included in the scheme. 

The Head of Environmental and Operational Services noted that Officers from both the District and County Councils would meet soon to discuss winter maintenance in the District. Members were invited to forward him any specific issues they would like raised.

The Chairman thanked Ms. Valentine for attending the meeting and for dealing fully with Members’ questions


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