Agenda item

The Portobello Inn, London Road, West Kingsdown, TN15 6JB

(Fawkham and West Kingsdown)


(Exempt Information Schedule 12A paragraph 7 Local Government Act 1972)


The Hearing gave consideration to a report by the Chief Officer Environmental and Operational Services giving details of an application under Section 53A of the Licensing Act 2003 for a summary review of the premises licence. On 30 May 2014 a meeting of the Licensing Sub-Committee had taken the interim step to suspend the premises licence pending the full review.   On 2 June 2014 Sevenoaks District Council received a representation against the interim steps taken by the Council as the Licensing Authority and within 48 hours of receipt of the representations being received, a hearing was held to consider whether the interim steps were appropriate for the promotion of the licensing objectives and to determine whether to withdraw or modify the steps taken. The interim steps were modified.  The hearing now held was to consider the application for summary review in full.


The Hearing heard from the representative from Kent Police and asked questions. The Hearing heard from the legal representative for the Premises Licence Holder and asked questions.


An amended version of the interim steps was tabled for the consideration of the Hearing.


At 12.04 the Hearing Members, withdrew to consider the issues raised. The Council’s Legal Advisor and Democratic Services Officer were present to give legal advice and to minute the decision.


At 12.45 the Hearing Members, Council’s Legal Advisor and Democratic Services Officer returned to the Council Chamber.


It was unanimously -


Resolved:  That the amended conditions as set out in the Notice of Determination attached as an appendix to these minutes be added to the premises licence.


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