Agenda item

SE/13/02078/FUL - Land To East of Badgers Sett and Formerly Chart View , West End, Kemsing TN15 6PX

Construction of detached dwelling and 2 no. parking spaces.


The proposal was for the erection of a three-bedroom, two-storey detached house with two off-street parking spaces to the front of the house. The house would align broadly with the two houses either side lying approximately 4m from the flank wall of the house to the east and just over 2.5m from the flank wall of the house to the west.  It was on the south side of West End, behind  shops and flats redeveloped in 2008.


The site was in the built confines of Kemsing, the majority of the development site to the north and the east lay within the Kemsing Conservation Area and the Green Belt boundary ran along the rear of the property.


The report advised that a previous appeal decision for a new house on the site had identified this space as having an important role in providing views from the High Street through to the countryside beyond and to prevent the quite densely developed scheme in front of the site appearing to be over developed. In officers’ opinion the present scheme would produce just that result and was therefore contrary to established policy. No contribution had been made to off-site affordable housing provision.


Members’ attention was drawn to the tabled Late Observations sheet.  It was noted that a Members’ Site Inspection had been held for this application.


The Committee was addressed by the following speakers:


Against the Application:       -

For the Application:              Mr. McLachlan

Parish Representative:         -

Local Member:                      -


Members noted the comments of the speaker that if permission were refused then fencing and planting would be installed  which would obstruct the view to the countryside beyond. Officers confirmed the applicant had indicated willingness to provide a financial contribution for off-site affordable housing.


It was MOVED by the Chairman and was duly seconded that the recommendation in the report to refusepermission be adopted.


The local Member explained that, in the past, the applicant had carried out development which had enhanced Kemsing. There was a shortage of suitable rental housing in Kemsing for those with moderate incomes and she felt the needs of the community should be considered. The application was also supported by the other local ward Member.


The Committee also noted that there was extant permission for a 5m extension to the neighbouring Badgers Sett property, which, if built, could fill a significant part of the site.


Some Members commented that they had noted the sense of spaciousness created by the gap when attending the Site Inspection.


The motion was put to the vote and there voted


5 votes in favour of the motion


6 votes against the motion


The Chairman declared the vote lost. It was moved by Cllr. Miss. Stack and was duly seconded that, subject to the signing of a legal agreement to secure an appropriate contribution towards affordable housing consistent with Core Strategy Policy SP3 within three months, permission be granted subject to conditions to be agreed in consultation with the local Members. If the legal agreement is not so signed then permission is to be refused on the grounds that the development fails to make a contribution to affordable housing.


The motion was put to the vote and it was –


Resolved: That


A.             subject to the signing of a legal agreement to secure a contribution towards affordable housing consistent with Core Strategy Policy SP3 within three months permission be granted subject to conditions to be agreed in consultation with the local Members;


B.            if the legal agreement is not signed within three months permission be refused on the grounds that the development fails to make a contribution to affordable housing as required by Core Strategy Policy SP3.


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