Agenda item

Airports Commission - Long Term Capacity Options


The Principal Planning Officer presented the report which advised that the Airports Commission (or Davies Commission) had been established to consider the need for additional UK airport capacity and recommend to government how this could be met in the short, medium and long term.  The Commission was due to report to the Government on its recommendations after the next General Election.  It had published the list of options for long term airport capacity proposed to it for public consultation.  All members had been consulted on the proposals in August 2013.  The report provided a summary of the comments from Members and the main issues for Sevenoaks District raised in the submissions, in particular those by the operators of Gatwick Airport, Kent County Council and the Mayor of London, and asked Members to recommend the approach the Portfolio Holder should take in responding to the Airports Commission’s consultation by 27 September 2013.


The Committee was addressed by Edenbridge Town Councillor King, and the Chairman of Edenbridge Town Council and Sevenoaks District Councillor Orridge.   Edenbridge Town Council’s letter to Sir Howard Davies and letter of support from Sir John Stanley to the Secretary of State for Transport were tabled for information for anyone that had not already seen them.  Among many concerns and issues raised, great concern was expressed at the lack of independent noise pollution monitoring and lack of ability to take a more fully representative part of the consultation process, illustrated by the rejection of this Council’s and Tunbridge Wells Borough Council’s application to join GATCOM.  


Members were in general support of the letter to Sir Howard Davies by Edenbridge Town Council.  Discussion centred on a possible second runway at Gatwick Airport as the most significant and likely to happen and impact on residents within the District.  It was clear that expansion had to take place somewhere and it appeared to be a balancing act between the benefits to the local economy and the detrimental effect of noise pollution.  Concern was expressed about the current number and possible increase in night flights and Members discussed the possibility of requesting no night flights between midnight and 5.00 a.m.  Compensation or trade offs were also discussed as being a way forward to counteract the additional noise pollution, and Members were keen to see affected residents in receipt of some form of compensation.


Resolved:  That the Portfolio Holder be asked to respond to the consultation on behalf of the Council expressing support for the letter written by Edenbridge Town Council and including issues discussed at the meeting including:


a)        the ability for the Council to take a fully representative role within any consultation process;

b)        a recognition of the potential economic benefits but a request that  any detrimental impact on residents arising from noise, night flights, infrastructure problems, be mitigated or compensated in some way; and

c)         an expression of regret that GATCOM had dismissed the application to join.



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