Agenda item

Future Business, the Work Plan 2011/12 and the Forward Plan

Members will develop a schedule of work over the year to reflect the terms of reference of the Committee focussing on the Council's priorities for policy development. This includes opportunities to invite  other organisations who provide services in the District to provide information to the Committee and discuss issues of importance to the Community.


The Chairman drew Members’ attention to a briefing note (attached to these minutes as an Appendix) that he and the Vice-Chairman had produced. It outlined proposals for the Committee’s main business for the 2011/12 municipal year. The Chairman noted that Housing, in particular under-occupation of social housing, the points allocation system and the introduction of Universal Credit benefits payment as three possible topics for the Committee to discuss in-depth. It was noted discussion of that the points allocation system would be delayed as it had not yet been finalised by Government.


The Chairman suggested the Committee begin in-depth scrutiny with under-occupation of social housing as the topic. He also suggested that, due to the significant impact of the introduction by Government of the Universal Credit benefit payment, this topic be considered at the beginning of next year as and when more details became available. A sample in-depth scrutiny timetable was attached to the briefing note (attached as an Appendix). It was suggested that a sub-group be set up and that they consider whether the timetable could be adhered to as well as the main objectives of the group. The membership of the sub-group is as outlined in Minute No. 10.


The Committee then discussed the Work Plan and agreed the following amendments:


           The Housing item relating to “Single Conversation” was moved to the November 2011 meeting of the Committee due to significant changes made by Government.

           Government had made changes to the way the Sevenoaks District Housing Register Allocation Policy was required to be written and as such, it would need further public consultation. This item was moved to the April 2012 meeting.

           It was agreed that the Head of Housing and Communications would do a short presentation in September 2011 regarding Housing services instead of a report.

           The Head of Housing informed Members that the Hever Road Gypsy and Traveller site had recently benefited from significant external funding and works on site were due to be completed shortly. Members would be provided with an update report at the January 2012 meeting along with an invitation to visit the site. 

           The Democratic Services Officer would liaise with the Head of Environmental and Operational Services and the Licensing Partnership Manager to ascertain when Licensing matters could be reported to the Committee.

           An update report on Revenues and Benefits, including an introduction to Universal Credit benefits payment was pencilled in for the November 2011 meeting of the Committee.

           It was suggested that Waste and Recycling be reported to the Committee bi annually with the next update in January or April 2012.

           A Customer Services Report was requested for January 2012. A Member also noted that they had not had sight of the report by Westco.

Action 1:         The Corporate Resources Director undertook to provide Members with the results of the Communications Review that had been completed by Westminster Council.


For the benefit of new Members, the Chairman explained the Budget Process.


The Committee agreed that the Chairman and Vice-Chairman be given responsibility for updating the Work Plan and redistributing the updated version before the next meeting of the Committee.

Supporting documents:


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