Agenda item

Pest Control Service


The Head of Environmental and Operational Services presented the report which provided details on a full review of the pest control service currently provided by the Council.  The Committee was asked to consider proposals for future service delivery with effect from April 2014.  The Head of Environmental and Operational Services advised that it was not a statutory duty to provide the service but the Council did have a statutory duty to prevent damage under the Prevention of Damage by Pests Act 1949.  Despite best efforts of the staff to reduce expenditure and increase income, the trading account, on average, had made a loss.  The current in-house service provided free advice on pest control issues, which may not be continued if service delivery was ceased.  If the Service was continued by any of the options put forward, it was clear that an element of Council subsidy would remain.


In response to questions the Head of Environmental and Operational Services advised that it had not proven cost effective to advertise in publications such as the yellow pages, but details of the service were on the website and published in ‘In Shape.’  The Officers also had leaflets.  With regards to  ‘on costs’  he advised that this was covered in the figures provided, and two employees working a four day week  only incurred a small management cost.  In response to further questioning he replied that any potential subsidy, if contracted out, would not be known until market tested.  Imposing a time limit or a subsidy clause for those on means tested benefits or any other contract performance requirements would incur a cost in monitoring the contract. 


The Portfolio Holder for the ‘Cleaner and Greener Environment’, addressed the Committee explaining that she was keen to hear the debate on the options and any alternatives, especially as regards to future provision.


It was MOVED by the Chairman and was duly seconded that the service be continued, as existing, until 2014, maximising income by charges and additional commercial sector work, whilst remaining competitive, but accepting that the service will produce a net deficit on the trading accounts of an average of £12,000 per annum;  and that the Social Affairs Select Committee carry out a further review of the service in October 2013 to consider exposing the service to competitive tender.


Members thought that it was an excellent report and wished it recorded that the the two Officers carrying out the service were highly valued and their flexibility and efforts fully appreciated.  There was no question that it was an excellent service, the main concern was the net deficit and the fact that it was not a statutory duty. 


Members discussed and asked questions as to the possibility of the two existing employees setting up their own company and how the Council might assist them in respect of the loyalty they had shown.  It was suggested that the profile could be raised on the website (to include a price list), and the use of social media should be explored.  At the suggestion, the Head of Environmental and Operational Services agreed to explore the possibility of offering home surveys with regard to pest infestations like wood worm.


Public Sector Equality Duty


Members noted that there were no adverse equality impacts arising from the report.



The motion was put to the vote and there voted


8 votes in favour of the motion


7 votes against the motion


It was therefore


Resolved:  That it be RECOMMENDED to Cabinet to continue the service as existing until 2014, maximising income by charges and additional commercial sector work, whilst remaining competitive, but accepting that the service will produce a net deficit on the trading accounts of an average of £12,000 per annum; and that the Social Affairs Select Committee carry out a further review of the service in October 2013 to consider exposing the service to competitive tender.



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