Agenda item

SE/12/02836/FUL - The Village Pharmacy, 15 Main Road, Hextable BR8 7RB

Change of use of part of the Pharmacy to Dentist facility


The proposal was for the change of use of part of the existing pharmacy to a dentist facility. Associated parking of two additional car parking spaces was proposed on the opposite side of the road to the front of No.6 Main Road. The site was located within the settlement boundary of Hextable.


Officers considered that the proposal failed to comply with KCC Vehicle parking standards by failing to provide any additional off-street parking. The proposal would lead to a significant increase in the amount of required off-street parking in an area where there was already insufficient dedicated off-street provision. It would increase pressure for motorists to park kerb side in an area where parking restrictions applied, to the detriment of highway safety. Further, the proposed parking to the front of No.6 Main Road, Hextable would result in undue noise and activity levels detrimental to the amenities of the immediate surrounding occupiers.


Members’ attention was drawn to the tabled Late Observations sheet.


The Committee was addressed by the following speakers:


Against the Application:       -

For the Application:              Jeff Haskins

Parish Representative:         Cllr. Austin

Local Member:                      Cllr. Ayres


In response to a question Officers confirmed a legal agreement could ensure that the two parking spaces to be provided opposite would only be for use by the dental practice. If the use of the spaces was limited to staff then this would reduce the impact on No.6 Main Road, as there would be fewer car movements. The two parking spaces to the rear of the site were not part of the application.


It was MOVED by the Chairman and was duly seconded that the recommendation in the report to refuse permission be adopted.


Members suggested that the number of expected site users, as calculated by the Highways Officer, was excessive. Each appointment at the dentist’s would take more than 15 minutes. There was adequate parking in the surrounding area, including at the church and the convenience stores, to absorb the change of use.


The Committee noted the comments of the public speakers that the dentist’s would be an important addition to local services.


Members indicated they would be willing to approve the application if all 4 parking spaces were part of the application, parking adjacent to No.6 Main Road was limited to use by dental staff and that the applicants were required to submit a travel plan.


The motion was put to the vote and the Chairman declared the vote to reject permission had been LOST unanimously.


It was MOVED by the Chairman and was duly seconded:


“That authority be delegated to officers to approve the application subject to:


1.         The receipt of a completed Legal Agreement securing the provision and retention of 2 staff car parking spaces within the curtilage of number 6 Main Road and the provision of an additional 2 spaces for customers/patients elsewhere.


2.         A condition be included on the planning permission requiring details of a staff travel plan to be submitted for approval.”


The motion was put to the vote and the above motion was  unanimously:


Resolved: That authority be delegated to officers to approve the application subject to:


1.         The receipt of a completed Legal Agreement securing the provision and retention of 2 staff car parking spaces within the curtilage of number 6 Main Road and the provision of an additional 2 spaces for customers/patients elsewhere.


2.         A condition be included on the planning permission requiring details of a staff travel plan to be submitted for approval.


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