Agenda item

Allocations and Development Management Plan


The report advised that the Allocations and Development Management Plan was now suitable for submission for independent examination. The plan was formed from five separate draft allocation and development management consultation plans with the comments made and Officers’ responses attached for the Group to consider.


The Acting Planning Policy Team Leader provided an update to Members on the latest amendments to the document since the agenda was published. Following discussions with an agent of the owner and the Town Council a revised development guidance and plan were tabled for the United House, Goldsel Road, Swanley site. In Policy LC2 the figure for ground floor Primary Retail Frontage to be maintained in A1 use in Swanley town centre should read 70% rather than 80%.


The Group considered each of the policies and appendices of the plan. Particular comments were made on the following matters:


Policy LC1 – Sevenoaks Town Centre


Officers were asked how it was decided that 70% of ground floor Primary Retail Frontage in Sevenoaks Town Centre should be retained in A1 use. One Member raised concern that the level could be too high and suggested it was preferable for any vacant units to be occupied by residential, office or other uses rather than leave them empty. He proposed an exemption in very exceptional circumstances.


Officers explained that, despite the recession, the existing A1 frontage in the Sevenoaks Primary Shopping Area was at 71.05% and it was felt important to keep the retail focus in the Primary Frontage in Sevenoaks which was the primary town in the District. Officers stated that it was likely that Sevenoaks could sustain this level, especially given the imminent investment in the town from a major retailer. Sevenoaks had one of the lowest vacancy rates in the country for a town its size and those units which were empty were generally within the secondary retail areas. The secondary retail areas already included an exemption if it were shown the sites were no longer financially viable.


Officers advised the wording for any exception would be comparable to that in secondary retail areas. The Group was concerned that any such exception would be used more than originally intended and concluded that the policy should remain as drafted.


Policy LC2 – Swanley Town Centre


It was suggested by a Member that calculating retail frontage in Swanley may not appropriately reflect the whole town centre because a considerable proportion was dominated by a single supermarket. Officers had considered measuring use by units, floorspace and frontage and felt frontage was most appropriate. The former policies were based on units but this could have a significant detrimental effect on Swanley if the largest units closed. It could be difficult to define and measure floorspace. For these reasons, retail frontage had been considered the most appropriate measure.


Following consultation with those local ward Members for Swanley who were present, it was agreed to redefine the eastern side of the ASDA retail unit from Primary to Secondary Retail Frontage.


Green Belt Boundary Review


Although many requests for a review had been considered by Officers while preparing the Plan, only 2 were proposed in the document. Billings Hill Shaw, Hartley was to be included in the Green Belt as it was considered an anomaly to have been excluded. Warren Court, Halstead was to be removed form the Green Belt and included within the village envelope.


A Member, not on the Group, tabled comments submitted by Hextable Parish Council together with maps to request the removal from the Green Belt of a small piece of land within the Hextable Parish Council Complex. The piece of land was completely surrounded by development but there was widespread local support for the land to be available for development. Three options had been proposed to the Group. The Group agreed the Plan should be amended to remove the area shown as Option 2 in the Parish Council’s consultation submission from the Green Belt.


The representative from the Kent Association of Local Councils announced that during the same consultation exercise Sevenoaks Town Council had requested the removal of land to the front of the cemetery from the Green Belt. Officers did not feel it appropriate to redefine the status of the land as the land was important in preserving the openness of the Green Belt as it led on to another open space. The Town Council was asked to provide more support for its proposal in advance of the Cabinet meeting on 7 February 2013 when the Plan was to be considered further.


Housing Allocations


The impact of the development of Hitchen Hatch Lane car park was discussed. It was clarified that any development of the site was contingent on replacement car parking for Sevenoaks station.



It was intended that, should Council approve the Plan, it would go for public consultation in Spring 2013 before submission in Summer 2013, an examination and then the Inspector’s report before possible adoption in early 2014.


Concern was raised that the Open Space designation for Broom Hill in Swanley could be pre-empted by extant planning applications. Officers agreed to provide Members a briefing note explaining the status of the Plan before and after inspection. The Plan would have only limited weight as an emerging plan prior to inspection.


Action 1: Officers to provide Members a briefing note explaining the status of the Allocations and Development Management Plan before and after inspection.


Public Sector Equality Duty


Members noted that there were no adverse equality impacts arising from the report but could have a positive impact in particular on those with limited mobility.


Resolved: That the Allocations and Development Management Plan with the officer amendments and a redefined eastern side of the ASDA retail unit (from Primary to Secondary Retail Frontage) and the removal of the area shown as Option 2 in Hextable Parish Council’s consultation submission from the Green Belt be noted and supported and that the Plan, with these amendments, be recommended to Cabinet and Full Council for pre-submission publication.


Supporting documents:


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