Agenda item

Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule


The Principal Planning Officer presented the report which explained that the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) was a new mechanism for securing contributions from developers towards the provision of infrastructure that was required to support development.  In order to begin charging CIL, the Council needed to prepare a Charging Schedule, which would set out what developers would need to pay in £ per sq m of new buildings and any variations by area or type of development.  Following consultation between June and August 2012, responses to the consultation had been reviewed and additional work on the evidence base had been undertaken. 


A Draft Charging Schedule had been prepared and it was recommended that the proposed residential charges remain at £75/m² and £125/m², based on the same charge areas previously consulted on.  Proposed charges for supermarkets and retail warehouses continue to be at £125/m² but on the basis of additional viability evidence it was proposed that other retail uses were not charged CIL.  If agreed, the Draft Charging Schedule would be published for interested parties to comment on and would then be submitted for independent examination.  If found sound, it was likely that the Council would be in a position to adopt the Charging Schedule in late 2013 / early 2014.


Public Sector Equality Duty


Members noted that there were no adverse equality impacts arising from this report. 



Resolved:  That the following recommendations to Council be endorsed subject to a request that the Environment Select Committee have the opportunity to review the implementation plan before it is adopted:


a)        That the Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule be agreed for publication and submission for independent examination; and

b)        That the Portfolio Holder is authorised to agree minor presentational changes and detailed amendments to the Charging Schedule to assist the clarity of the document.



The Principal Planning Officer was thanked for all his hard work.

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