Agenda item

Sevenoaks District Tenancy Strategy and Sevenoaks District Housing Register Allocations Policy


The Head of Housing and Communications presented the report which covered the District Council’s proposed Tenants  strategy and the approach to the current welfare reform whilst ensuring that the District’s limited affordable housing supply would go to those deemed in most need (with more emphasis now through the Allocation policy on local connection and employment) and that future rent revenues were fair but maximised opportunities for Registered Social providers  to generate funding for the provision of new social sector housing.  The Head of Housing and Communications reported that that Allocation Policy was developed in conjunction with the local community and local providers through consultation. Its main purpose is to identify fairly who should  have priority on the Register for rehousing and this is to be undertaken by using 4 bands instead of points, in line with rest of Kent.  Members were also provided with an update on the on-going work with West Kent Housing Association surrounding the Housing Register.  West Kent HA had agreed to manage the Register for a further 2 years from 1st April 2013.Officers and West Kent HA would be undertaking a review of people currently on the register and hoped to reduce it by half to around 1000.  There were many registered who would not be re housed in the near future and they would be given other options to consider.


The proposed Tenancy Strategy would also be trialled on a 10% sample of the Housing Register.  An update on this trial would be provided to the June 2013 Committee.


The Head of Housing and Communications  reported that the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Balanced Communities had also reviewed the Housing Register Allocations Policy and had suggested that paragraph 1.1 be amended to read:


Anyone living in the United Kingdom who is at least 18 years old, and who is applying for a social housing property to use as their only or principal residence and who has a local connection to the Sevenoaks District, may apply to the SDHR.”


The Committee endorsed the amended wording.


Public Sector Equality Duty


Members noted the equality impacts arising from the report on the Sevenoaks District Housing Register Allocations Policy and Tenancy Strategy.  Members noted that there was no adverse impact with regards to the Tenancy Strategy.  With regard to the Sevenoaks District Housing Register Allocations Policy, Members noted that there would be sections of the Community who would be considered to have a greater need than others and therefore would be allocated more priority to assist them to achieve rehousing more quickly.


The Vice-Chairman welcomed the inclusion of the greater emphasis on local connection to Sevenoaks in the new banding systems.


Members considered the Housing Register Allocations Policy and the Priority Banding System and a Member highlighted that there appeared to be very little support for young working people on low wages.  Members stressed that they felt that the policy should be clearer in rewarding people in work and should accommodate employment, for example where possible, workers should be found accommodation which enabled them to keep working.  The Head of Housing and Communications responded that Officers recognised the issues and continuously sought solutions.  The Council offered a Deposit Bond Scheme and encouraged tenants to consider housing which was outside the District.  Younger people were also encouraged to consider shared ownership opportunities and the Council was also looking to establish a Single Persons Scheme and Officers were investigating a suitable site for this.  Intermediate rental properties were also available. 


In response to a question, the Housing Manager, reported that people with no access to the internet would be able to obtain information though the Council’s magazine, In Shape; information would also appear in local newspapers; West Kent Housing Association would also be writing to people on the Housing Register and, if required, customers could be sent personalised sheets of suitable properties that were available. 


Members also considered the need for suitable temporary accommodation across the District.  A Member stressed the importance of consideration being given to where affordable housing was located.  The Vice-Chairman suggested that the Group Manager – Planning be invited to attend the June 2013 Committee meeting to provide an update on Section 106 money and comment on social and affordable housing across the District. 


Action 3: That the Group Manager – Planning be invited to attend the June 2013 Committee meeting to provide an update on Section 106 money and comment on social and affordable housing across the District. 



Resolved:  That the adoption of the Sevenoaks District Tenancy Strategy and Sevenoaks District Housing Register Allocations Policy be supported subject to the comments above, and both documents be RECOMMENDED to Cabinet for approval as District Council policy. 


Supporting documents:


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