Agenda item

SE/12/01435/FUL - 8 Johnsons Avenue, Badgers Mount, Kent TN14 7AX

The erection of part single and part two storey front extensions, single storey rear extension and conversion into two self contained dwellings





The proposal was for a two storey front and side extension, a single storey extension across the front of the house, a single storey extension across the rear of the proposed house, the provision in the rear garden of two additional parking spaces lying next to the existing off street parking and the division of the house into two self contained dwellings. The original house would be retained as a two-bedroom unit with the extension accommodating a one-bedroom house.

The site was within the built confines of Badgers Mount and an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

It was noted that a Members’ Site Inspection had been held for this application.

Officers considered that the design of the extensions would be acceptable within the street scene, fitting sympathetically with the existing house and terrace. The conversion would result in an acceptable sized garden and sufficient off street parking being allocated to each house. So long as the section 106 obligation was signed the application would also fulfil the requirements for a financial contribution to towards the Council’s Affordable Housing Strategy.

Members’ attention was drawn to the tabled Late Observations sheet. Officers updated Members that further amendments would be made to 2 of the conditions. Conditions 3 and 4 should both begin “No occupation shall take place until…”. At the end of the reason for condition 4 there should also be added “…and to ensure satisfactory residential amenity”.

The Committee was addressed by the following speakers:

            Against the Application:        Eileen Lessey

            For the Application:               -

            Parish Representative:          Cllr. Dallimore

            Local Member:                       Cllr. Grint

Members noted the concerns of the speakers concerning possible overdevelopment of the junction, aggravation to the existing parking difficulties and the possible hazard of sight-lines from the new opening onto Badgers Road. However, the Committee agreed with the Officers that the extensions were not significant in the context of the terrace, they felt there was sufficient parking added and that there would be no significant highways hazard from the development.

It was MOVED and was duly seconded that the recommendation in the report, as amended, to grant permission subject to conditions be adopted. The motion was put to the vote and there voted

10 votes in favour of the motion

2 votes against the motion


A)  That, subject to the completion within one calendar month of a S106 Obligation in respect of an affordable housing contribution, that planning permission be GRANTED, subject to the following conditions:

1.         The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of Three years from the date of this permission.

In pursuance of section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2.         The materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the development hereby permitted shall match those used on the existing building.

To ensure that the appearance of the development is in harmony with the existing character of the area as supported by Policy EN1 of the Sevenoaks District Local Plan.

3.         No occupation shall take place until the garaging and car parking spaces shown on the approved drawings, including works to provide a widened pavement crossover,  shall be provided and shall be kept available for the parking of cars at all times.

In the interests of highways safety.

4.         No occupation shall take place until details shall be submitted in writing  to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority of the proposed landscaping scheme, to include details of hard landscaping including details of any levels change in respect of the provision of off street parking, means of boundary enclosure, any trees to be removed, and new planting.  Details shall be provided of species, planting size, planting densities and a planting schedule.  The hard landscaping and boundary enclosure  shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details prior to first occupation and the soft landscaping in the first available planting season following substantial completion of the works.

To ensure a satisfactory appearance upon completion and to ensure satisfactory residential amenity.

5.         The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans: Existing block plan, ground floor plan, 1st floor plan, West East and South elevations,  Sections AA, BB and roof plan, Proposed  block Plan (revised , ground and first floor plans, west, east, south elevations, roof plan and sections AA and BB.

For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.

B)  If within one calender month a S106 Obligation has not been signed, planning permission be REFUSED for the following reason:

The proposed scheme makes no provision for a financial contribution towards the Councils Affordable Housing Strategy and a viability statement has not been submitted to demonstrate the non –viability of this scheme.  This is contrary to the provisions of policy SP3 of the Sevenoaks Core Strategy.

Supporting documents:


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