Agenda item

Revenue Budget and Council Tax 2012/13 (Cabinet – 9 February 2012)


Cllr. Fleming moved and Cllr. Mrs Davison seconded that Council approve (a) the summary of Council Expenditure and Council Tax set out in Appendix C of the report; (b) the 10 year budget 2011/12 to 2021/22 set out in Appendix A of the report, including the growth and savings proposals set out at Appendix B of the report, and that where possible any variations during and between years be met from the Budget Stabilisation Fund; and (c) any changes in the taxbase and collection fund and other minor variations be transferred to/from the Budget Stabilisation Reserve.


The report set out the proposed budget and required level of Council Tax for 2012/13 and detailed changes to the draft budget since the Cabinet meeting on 8 December 2011.  The proposed net expenditure budget was £13.443 million.  This would envisage no Council Tax increase on 2012/13, with the District’s council tax remaining at £181.89 for a Band D property for the year.

In moving the recommendation, the Leader reported that the Council was in year two of its 10 year budget.  The £47,000 gap in the budget had now been met and, due to an increase in the council tax base, the Council would be making a contribution of £52,000 from the Revenue Budget to the Council’s Reserves.  Investment income remained depressed and the Council would face further challenges in future years with a requirement to deliver further savings in 2012/13 and 2013/14.  The 10-year budget had placed the Council in a strong position to meet the challenges however, difficult decisions would still have to be taken in future years. 


Cllr. Walshe moved and Cllr. Mrs Purves seconded the following amendment:


“Delete or reduce proposed savings figures:

Grants - £20,000

Leisure (Asset Maintenance) - £70,000

Tourism (reduced activity) - £30,000

Youth (reduced activity) - £60,000

TOTAL £180,000

Insert new savings figures:

Members allowance (new scheme) - £45,000

Contact Centre – £50,000

External Communications - £25,000

IT - £60,000

TOTAL £180,000


The amendment was put to the vote and was LOST.


Cllr. Fittock moved and Cllr. Underwood seconded the following amendment:


" To reduce the subsidy on the Stag Community Arts Centre by 20% and transfer the £20,000 saved to all other voluntary organisations.”


Councillor Raikes declared a prejudicial interest as Chairman of the Stag Theatre and left the room for the duration of the debate.

Councillors Mrs Dawson, Hogarth, Piper and Brown declared prejudicial interests as Trustees of the Stag Theatre and left the room for the duration of the debate.


Members held a debate on the proposed amendment.  The amendment was put to the vote and was LOST.


Members returned to debating the original motion. This was put to the vote and it was


            Resolved: that:

(a) the summary of Council Expenditure and Council Tax set out in Appendix C of the report be approved;

(b) the 10 year budget 2011/12 to 2021/11 set out in Appendix A to the report, including the growth and savings proposals set out at Appendix B to the report, be approved and that where possible any variations during and between years be met from the Budget Stabilisation Fund; and

(c) any changes in the tax base and collection fund and other minor variations be transferred to/from the Budget Stabilisation Reserve.

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